Evera had gently fallen asleep, but was in the space between sleep and awake, where her spirit had not left her body as of yet. She was brought awake by a snort, and blinked her eyes rapidly. She looked around the bus and everyone was gone, save Andrew who now walked up to her. She smiled gently as he politely, albeit clumsily, said they were the only ones left. [b]”Yes! I guess I was drifting off,”[/b] she said with a light chuckle back as Andrew walked off the bus and Evera followed. She grabbed her bags and continued on, seeing Andrew, a girl, and Taiyo. They seemed to be congregating around a well of some sort. [b]”Ah a rebirth through water is it? Into godhood?”[/b] Evera asked as she approached. She knew spirits were attracted to water, and water often symbolized a rebirth or cleansing in the spiritual realm. She moved closer and heard Roxy explain how the others jumped in, and it was their entrance. Well, it did make sense despite its rudimentary nature. Hesitating briefly, Evera shrugged and slowly eased over the side of the well before falling in. She landed with a thud, blinking in the brightness around her. Now in her golden spiritual form, the light shone off her skin blinding her a bit more than the others she assumed. She walked out of the way of the entrance, wearing a golden gown now that covered from her chest to just above her knees. It seemed to blend with the gold of her skin, though her hair remained the same dark shade as did her eyes.