[i]Leiko? Drama Queen?[/i] Leiko's attention was piqued, her eyes tearing away from the bulletin board to find the source of the impudent voice. Her eyes fell on a short, but well-built male, his expression furrowed as he read through the names on the list carefully. [i]Who on earth is that?[/i] She frowned, slightly irked by how quick people were to judge her this morning. [i]The price of being popular, I suppose.[/i] "Hello there!" Her voice took on a bright, sunny tone as she shouldered past a few people gathering around the board, stopping just short of the muscular male. She quickly suppressed a smirk as she noted that she was at least a head above him in height. "My name is Hamada Leiko. [i]Esteemed[/i] Drama Queen of Warakuma High." Her voice was high and extremely exaggerated, causing some of the crowd to stare in disbelief, whilst others caught onto the act and started to laugh. "I see my reputation precedes me. And you are?" She asked politely. "School psychologist? You must be pretty good if you can read people's personalities just by looking at a name. How [i]impressive.[/i]"