Esprum grunted with pain, straitening up. 'No use sitting now...' He huffed inwardly, turning just as Aurellius entered the field. He turned once again, and after a breath, he stumbled deeper into the woods, sprinkling a bit of dust onto one of his nifty crossbow bolts. He did this a bit carelessly, a very strange thing for him to do. Though, he was a bit preoccupied, searching the wooded area for a place to act. 'Ah... this will do...' ------------------------------ [b]"Was that enough to give you time?"[/b] Of course, there was no response from the bookworm, the only sounds other then the tuxedo wearer himself was the growls and breaths from the monstrous Beowolf. The monster in question began to rise, staring down at the man from a bit away. As the beast began its way over to him, a popping sound was heard, followed by a howl filled with pure and utter pain. The Beowolf flailed, staggering to the side, before revealing its left eye, now a very bloody mess. The majority of his dust gone now, Esprum smirked as the shot made its mark, albeit barely. As quickly as he could, he reverted the weapon back to its spear form, just as the bolt exploded within the eye. He half sprinted forward, able to meet the beast's gaze as he slid under its legs. Much like the Beowolf, however, he was stumbling and gasping, barely given any time whatsoever to recover from the last ordeal. At one point, he nearly tripped over his ripped and battered robe, cursing as the thing nearly flattened him under one of its large paws. After that, the bookworm found a suitable way to dodge, by side stepping to the things blind side. Soon enough the two approached a field of the forest, which was a surprisingly big forest. This specific area, however, wasn't more then half a minute or so away from where the beast was seconds ago, and certainly wasn't anything special, save for the partially glowing red circle with another circle carved within. By the looks of it, it would seem to almost perfectly hold the size of the creature within. Esprum charged forward, that special gleam returning to his eyes the moment the beast's foot landed in the inner circle, setting off the dusted runes. A large spire of ice shot from the ground, trapping the beast within.