Okay, firstly, I love the fact that you have the Imgurraffe as your avatar, I'm a big-time lurker. You're probably the first Imgurian I've seen on this site. Second, this sounds mad interesting! Like, I love the idea of blending fantasy elements and steampunk! Could I do a custom race? Nothing big, actually quite the opposite. Like, little mouse people. I mean, they ain't real, like, [i]little[/i], per say, but I had a wicked cool idea for em! And since they're so weak and unnoticed, they wouldn't affect your big awesome history stuff, cuz, really, who's gonna wage war against some mice? Anywho, if that's a no, I'd still be in'nerested to play as a human! The whole dark, war ravaged slums would be a fabulous place for a good ol' cabaret! After all, who doesn't like cabarets? Well, there's Hitler, but we can ignore him. He ain't relevant. (Also, just for future reference, I won't really type like that IRP. I just like ta type how I talk, and well, when it's all good an' casual, I don't see no reason not to! But if it bother ya, lemme know. I shalt becometh the most grammatically correct soldier in all the interwebs.)