Nicoleta had her fight cut out for her. The far smaller beowolves were simple enough to kill, a hit to the neck or head, and it was out for good. The problem was their numbers and their sheer speed, and that she was on the defense, whereas she prefered the offense. Her machetes snapped together into the bow, as she watched a group of beowolves began their charge towards her, sprinting on hands and knees in a full on charge. She drew back an arrow, waiting. The beowolves were forming a more concise group to try to all hit Nicoleta at the same time. Just as she'd planned. A thin smile grew across her face, as the beowolves drew within feet. The closest one to her reached out its arm, about to grab her. Suddenly, the arrow released, giving a satisfying "THUNK!" as it embedded itself in the lead beowolf's face. Electricity jumped from the arrow, shocking the beowolves into pausing. It was more than enough time, her bow split into the two machetes, and she jumped through the group in a flurry of swinging, this way and that, her aura glowing. She made circles, taking on neck after head after shoulder of the beowolves in lightning speed. All the while, you could hear a pin drop, it was so silent. The last three came to their senses before she made it far enough back, and she ducked under one of their paws, jumping back. "You'll need to be faster than that." The beasts spread out, trying to close in on her from all around. She took a few steps backwards, frowning in concentration. "Faster." She told herself, bolting to her right. The creature in the middle swung at her as she passed, and she raised the machete to it, blocking the paw. She jumped then kicking away the right beowolf's foot in a backwards flip and stabbing it in the chest. She was knocked forwards as the beowolf from the left slapped her down to the ground. She barred her teeth, aura no longer such a bright and rich color of orange. Though it used to shine like the sun, it looked more like a small glow, as if an ember. She spun around, launching one of the machetes at the beowolf from the left, the creature blocked it with its hand, reeling back in pain. Nicoleta jumped over the paw of the middle beowolf, using it as a launch pad to jump at the one from the left, slicing across its unprotected neck. She pulled out her machete from its arm only in time to parry a flurry of swipes, being pushed back a few feet. She quickly spread the blades to the side, pushing out the creature's arms so she could stab it in the neck. It stopped breathing, dead weight on her blade now. She panted, ripping the blade from its neck. She slowly taking up a more proper stance as another 3 ran from the treeline. She reformed the bow, shooting down the first with a clean shot from a red arrow, the fire missiles released from the sides of it. They seeked out the other two beowolves, striking them down as well in a display of bright lights piercing chests. "I can't keep this up much longer." Ironically, that was when the spire grew out of the ground, covering the massive beowolf. "Convenient. . ." She commented, sighing. The smaller beowolves, without their vanguard, began to break up, retreating back into the abysmal forest, now full of holes and destruction from the short fight. The damage was only in the nearby area, luckily, not straying too far from the already broken terrain from the fallen airship. Nicoleta noticed Aslin leaned up against the airship, looking dazed, and so she approached her, somewhat haphazardly. Her usually ambitiously powerful self was a bit less enthusiastic now, as she slid to a stop infront of her. She looked around at Aslin's head, asking a few questions. "Hey, are you feeling alright? Can you tell me what day it is?" She asked, hoping Aslin had no head trauma.