[center][b]~[u]Priscilla the Ancient[/u]~[/b][/center] [i]"To what do I owe this honor of having a conversation with one of the revered ancients, Priscilla-dono? I shall do my hardest to cater to your word."[/i] "I would that we discuss the vampires living within this sanctuary. With little exception, they are all fledglings. How is it that so many fledglings made it here, yet you are the sole among them who may be called Elder?" To Priscilla, it made no sense. She'd experienced vampire hunts before, back in her days before becoming an Ancient, and the fledglings were typically the first to die. Granted, it was because the older vampires left them behind as distractions when running away or attacking, but what she didn't understand was exactly what she'd asked. How were there so many fledglings in one place, but only one Elder Vampire? And even further, how did a fledgling manage to create a sanctuary? Under normal circumstances, only Greater Vampires and up had the rights to create them, but while she could admit that these circumstances were far from normal, it also had to do with that fledglings were weak. Building a sanctuary wasn't a quick process, yet this Hisako girl had done it so smoothly. To her, the whole thing seemed pretty strange. ----------- [center][b]~[u]Hisako Saito[/u]~[/center][/b] To say the least, Hisako was rather intimidated. She'd been talking all that good shit just the other day about how those rumors about Priscilla showing up were just rumors, and then, bam. There she was. In the flesh. The name was legendary. Forget vampires humans deemed famous like Dracula; Mr. Tepes was worth jack next to Priscilla the Ancient. To think she'd be here from now on was taking some time to accept for Hisako. Sure, it would have been nice, but-- [i]“Aren’t you supposed to be helping Greyson over here? I can’t exactly have you tour your own home fearless leader.”[/i] "R-Right. I was just lost in thought is all," Hisako stated, making her way over to Greyson and holding out a hand. "If you aren't in shape, I won't be able to count on you for anything. Let me show you where we keep the humans." Then her eyes looked over to the young one; Hisako didn't even bother remembering the name of an 11-year-old vampire. "And [i]only[/i] humans," she added, clearly addressing the fact that eventually, she'd have to drink human blood. Then her attention went back to Greyson. "In exchange for helping you out, I want you to come with Krov and I to hunt a couple more humans soon."