The last survivor of the failed recovery mission, the damaged Matron, had turned and bolted, feeling for the first time true fear and desperately trying to escape. But it was struck down by the dark energy, metallic screaming ringing throughout the halls as it was vaporized, it's Essence transported to a realm where no light could be found, and eternal damnation awaited it. The screech faded, and the other nervous Constructs bowed slightly, as the dark disk calmed itself slightly, and addressed them: [i]"FOOLS! Were you not capable of completing such a simple task as this one!? Not only did you return empty handed, you allowed a Warden to escape... Those foul and pitiful sentients who dared to stand against Me and My plan... I should destroy your entire race for incompetence!"[/i] The Ethereals gathered here trembled and backed away slightly, still terrified of their wrathful Goddess. No one dared to run though. Such an act was pointless and foolish. [i]"However, you are still of use to Me, and I offer you a chance of redemption... Go forth to this point in space, and destroy all you find there... We must set an example to all who would follow the Warden, before she rallies them against Us... For I search for her now, and know of a possible hiding hole she may dwell in..."[/i] ---- Four cruisers warped again to their ordered location, being sure to be careful and avoid alerting their intended targets. The system was quite desolate, so the actual goal of this exercise was lost to those in command. Without hesitation, the ships released hundreds of Matrons, who began to seek out and recon the system for any clues as to what may be found here. Any sentient life forms or their ships found would be destroyed, with no mercy whatsoever.