[img=http://oi46.tinypic.com/ekm33c.jpg] [u][b]Full Name[/b][/u] Raule Cardias [u][b]Fake Name[/b][/u] Tainted is an alias of his. Mainly used when he enters the Black Gale. [u][b]Nickname(s)[/b][/u] None. [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 20 [b][u]Year[/u][/b] Fifth [u][b]Birthday[/b][/u] November 21st [u][b]Astrological Sign[/b][/u] Scorpio [u][b]Species[/b][/u] [i]Demon-touched. (Human) [/i] The Demon-touched come from many different races and share no similarities except for one: they have been unfortunate to catch the attention of those vastly their betters. The effects of even a small amount of demonic power can mutate the affected into great monstrosities or leave them unchanged. Based largely on the whims of the Demon, and even unpredictable then, the cases of the Demon-touched are unique to the individual. Like the touch of a Demon though, they are all branded with an infernal sigil that marks them out as “touched”, with each sign being unique to a being. For Raule, the results were minor appearance changes. His ears elongated drastically while his hair was bleached a snow white. His nails naturally sharpened until it was more accurate to call them claws and his eyes are now red, and glow a soft crimson in the dark. [i]Demon[/i] These beings for the most part are still largely shrouded in mystery, if only because they so rarely bother to interact with the worlds. Even then most of their interactions seem to be limited to spreading their power at random, infusing individuals with demonic energy. What is known is that each individual seems to hold great power, twisting and distorting reality with each appearance they make in the world. Thankfully, despite the name given to their kind, the Demons do not seem to be malevolent. This means little when the powers they wield are so obviously corruptive and anathema to life that they leave areas where the appear as barren wastelands. [u][b]Class[/b][/u] [i]Dark Brawler[/i] A deadly close quarter combatant that specializes in unarmed styles mixed with the natural energies, both demonic and human, that flows through the user’s body. Capable of reinforcing their bodies to superhuman levels, they shrug off mighty blows while returning them in kind. Their Demonic energy results in powerful, but self-destructive bursts of power that allow them to brutally crush those that stand in their way before their bodies begin to erode from within. [u][b]Weapon[/b][/u] Not important enough to name, but Raule uses a pair of clawed gauntlets and greaves in battle. The claws are made of Dlarun, a special metal that chills and freezes whatever it touches. His greaves are tipped with Darksteel, a metal that crackles and sparks with electricity. [u][b]World[/b][/u] Lucis [u][b]Short Biography[/b][/u] A fairly closed lip is kept when it comes to Raule’s whereabouts prior to his time at the Academy. As far as anybody knows he survived and was changed by an encounter with a Demon when he was 13. The small town and surrounding forest he called home was not so fortunate and was left a desolate swamp, devoid of life. What occurred in the two years prior to his arrival at the Academy is still anyone’s guess, but he’s attended it for the last five years successfully. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Not quite what most people would expect from one of the Demon-touched, but then again most people simply have preconceptions of the “race”. In fact, due to his personality and closed lips when it comes to his “race” most people simply think he is a human that taps into the darker side of magic. That aside, Raule is a fairly pleasant individual. Calm and soft-spoken for the most part, he’s one to rarely get worked up and even then quick to relax. [u][b]Partner[/b][/u] Guess it’s up in the air. [u][b]Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s)[/b][/u] Strictly a melee ranged fighter, if kept at a distance there’s not much Raule can do to his opponents. While he’s fairly good at managing his limits, overuse of Demonic energy will corrode his body despite its innate resistance. His eyes will begin to glow a blood red once the threshold has been reached. In the same vein, an overuse of his human energy, termed “Humanity” by him, will cause the Demonic nature of his body to rebel. In short, he can’t simply rely on the safer source of energy and must use the self-harming Demonic Energy, if sparingly. [b][u]Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits[/u][/b] Physically more able than a human, even without tapping into internal sources of power. He’s stronger, faster, more durable, and overall just better. Demonic Power is an exceptionally effective energy for dealing with living enemies. It acts as an anathema to life naturally, and will corrupt before turning those affected to ash. His body has changed and adapted to resist such effects far better than most, but even he isn’t completely safe. As befitting of his class designation, Raule is an experienced warrior. He fares well in messy melees, but shines in single combat. Despite still attending the Academy, he’s already seen his fair share of sorties into the Black Gale. The fact that he has returned alive speaks enough. [b][u]Other[/u][/b] [url=http://workdesigning.com/wp-content/uploads/Celtic-Symbol-Tattoo.jpg]His tattoo.[/url] Located on his right shoulder blade.