The Soul Thief Name: Jeannot Markos Boisvert, often referred to as The Soul Thief Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 19 Height/Weight: 5' 9" Personality/Interests: 170lbs Appearance: Composed, clean shaved and slightly disheveled looking. Details: Fairly handsome, rather grim and arrogant looking Body build: Slender build, lean but a little muscle Hair: Messy medium length Hair color: Dark Brown Skin color: White rather tan Eye/Iris color: Reddish Green Notable Features: He ALWAYS wears a Dark Grey scarf Clothing Description: Usually wears gray skate shoes, pale green parachute capris (something between this and this), light gray tank shirt, a canvass backpack with leather trim, and ALWAYS a dark grey scarf. Sometimes wears aviator sunglasses and a pale green beanie hat with a black leather trim. Equipment Studies in Advanced Magic (For equipment that needs to be better/more in-depth explained, it's better just to title it and then give the explanation... it makes your CS more tidy and more thorough ;)Like the way you did it below: what is this studies in etc etc? what is in it: spells, lessons on how to do spells, incantations, recipes for potions? etc etc.) Spirit Housing Scarf: A scarf that houses several generations of past soul magic masters all tethered to the scarf. These masters communicate spiritually/mentally with Jeannot and whomever else they please. They offer their guidance and wisdom in every decision he makes. Weapon(s) Unphysical Sever: A small knife with two blades. One blade is made solely of magic it looks to be made of shifting and shimmering light. The handle is black and in the shape of a sphere and at the other end there is a blade made of steel. Talents/Abilities Thoroughly trained in the physics and science pertaining to magic, including biological engineering and "soul tethering". He is good at stopping, negating, lifting, expelling, and otherwise rendering many spells, curses and magics void. He is particularly good with magic of the soul, "summoning" or manifestation magics, and illusionary magic. He is capable of "sensing" the souls of other to a fairly large range around him. This sense is aided by the Masters and he can feel the ambiguous nature and intentions of the souls he senses. He is great at recon work as he can remove his own soul from his body with the unphysical severe binding it to the body. This is however rather dangerous because his body is left unconscious and susceptible to attack. Spells He conducts magic like a physicist. He prefers to use magic as a means of experimentation and manipulation of the physical world. He does however incorporate a bit of magic in his combat. Mostly in illusion and increasing his speed and accuracy. History: (This is old history, right? Since he's from the Crossroads?) Jeannot Boisvert was a very bright student in Valence, France. About a month into his second year at Lycée his physics professeur asked for assistance in a project he was working on. This professeur had become his good friend over his first year at the school and he was happy to oblige. The day he was to help he met his professeur in his office after classes. The professeur sat at his desk in the rather small and dimly lit room, reading from a large and old leather-bound book. His normally cluttered desk was clear except for the book, a lamp, and a brilliant blue scarf that was laid out flat across the length of it. Jeannot loved to visit his office, it was a terrific mess. Each wall had selves full of books both very old and very new. Each shelf had trinkets and mementos from past students stacked next to, on top of, and between the countless books. Jeannot noticed something new each time he visited. The proffeseur looked up from his book as the student walked in. "Ah, Jeannot my boy come in, come have a seat," said the taller old and graying man behind the desk. "I have an unusual question for you Jeannot, but please humor me." The boy nodded. "Thank you," he said in an even tone. "Now, what do you know of magic?" He was serious. The boy could tell from his voice and posture. But Jeannot could not help but looked confused. "I'm sorry sir I don't think I follow you," the boy said uncertainty written all over his face. The professeur face grew insistent. "Real magic, what do you know of it?" Still confused Jeannot answered, "Not much I guess Professeur, only what is written in fables and fairytales. Magic is fiction as far as I can tell." Unsatisfied the professeur rose to his feet. "That is why I want your help my boy," he said with excitment rising in his voice. "I think those works of fiction are as real as anything you see in this room, maybe just a bit exaggerated thats all." "Magic is just science that has yet to have been explained, and without the sciences we have today the people of old just wrote these truths off as magic." Now Jeannot understood. It was the professeur's passion for all things physics coming through here. "Of course sir I would have to agree with you." The old man was caught up in the excitement of his new project. "Then come my boy, let go to the lab and get started!" Said the professeur with a good deal of enthusiasm. He picked up the scarf off the desk as the two walked out of the little office. The physics lab was always rather cold. Jeannot shivered when the two entered the sterile feeling room. His professeur tossed him the scarf and he gratefully wrapped in around his neck. "Are you familiar with they double slit experiment Jeannot?" Asked the professeur. Jeannot nodded. "What will be doing is trying measure levels of certain particles and then alter the positioning of those same particles by observation of a wave-function, in an experiment that expands upon the double slit." The two spent a couple of hours setting up instruments to conduct the experiment. Once they began, a small unreal white light emitted from the instruments. It was beautiful, unlike anything Jeannot had ever seen. The light began to grow and take on a life of its own. The light rose to the ceiling and trailed slowly in circles round the room. With something in his hand the professeur raised his arm up to the light and it gathered at the end of his hand. He quickly gave it to the boy, "Here Jeannot, take this." What was in his hand looked like a knife made of light. Jeannot was transfixed by it. The professeur then took the scarf off the boys neck and urged him to look at the strange thing of light through a tinted lens on the other side of the lab. Through the lens it was as if the light was green and it shimmered all the more. the professeur took the scarf and placed it on the counter beneeth the lens and said, "It looks like a knife doesn't it Jeannot?" Still in awe Jeannot nodded. The professeur smiled and said, "Try to cut the scarf with it, down its length like this," while he gestured at the scarf. "Oh! And after you do be sure to get take the book off my desk when you leave this evening." The boy nodded, dumbfounded, and cut at the scarf. But it did no damage. He turned to ask his professuer what it meant, but the old man was gone...[/i] [b]Character Garbagey Garbage, Garbage:[b/] Jeannot has a lab of secrets that is full of some of the most advanced technology available in the Highs. Including: [b]The Spirit Transistor:[b/] Much like a dual soul severe that is connected by a spiritual "cord" that can transfer a soul from one body to the next without the soul loosed. The soul is tethered to the transitor during the process and CANNOT by normal means be sent to the valley of the shadow of death during the transfer. [b]Corpse Constructing Table:[b/] Builds bodies from scratch using the base elements needed to do so. Works much like a 3D printer.