Chris sent a quick prayer to Saint Michael, one hand on his chest harness, his other holding the pendant on his dog tags, while not exactly religious; it couldn’t hurt to give some attention to the patron saint of soldiers. Jostling inside the multi-ton monster he tried to ignore the fact that it was packed inside a burning drop ship that, if it failed, would offer all the protection of a baked potato. Finally a much larger jolt alerted him to their landing before the co-pilot jumped on the radio. Finally his CO, or whatever the mercs called them, he didn’t pay attention, called the group to fall in. Taking a brief account of his gear Chris waited until the ramp was clear, and strode out onto the red dirt, taking a quick look around before lining up in front of eliska. "Knight, reporting as ordered, Mam. He said, keeping an ear on her, and eyes behind her. Everything checked out, gang of rich assholes thought some back water pilots and mechs made them the law, didn’t bother him to help kick them back down. [quote]"Six bots; Let 'em have it!"[/quote] "Engaging enemy frames" mike said as he swiveled right and dropped to one knee, putting a shoulder pauldron between him and the enemy, making the smallest, best armored target available. Betting they couldn’t hit a target while moving, he raised the auto cannon into position, firing one or two round bursts.