Masochist Trap Tank is here. Gemstones OP. [img][/img] [url=]"Please don't. You'll hurt yourself more than you'll hurt me."[/url] [b]Full Name:[/b] Ier-Briar Thorn-of-Shield [b]Nicknames:[/b] Trap, Cakeboy, Masochist, Sturdy Bitch, Frigid Cunt [b]Gender:[/b] Male...for now. [b]Age:[/b] 6 Years [b]Year:[/b] First Year [b]Birthday:[/b] The Seventh of January [b]Astrological Sign:[/b] Capricorn [hider=Combat Specifics] [b]Species:[/b] Gemstone Gemstones are, put simply, gems, crystals, or jewels that possess a certain degree of sentience. Born not through birth between two couples, but through crystalline division, in which a Gemstone splits off part of its body and assimilates other ores to make up for the mass that is lost, these creatures could be considered to be both non-human and non-living, regardless of how they may appear. Capable of manipulating their body by shattering and then piecing themselves back together, it is not uncommon for Gemstones to have more than one appearance. Through the ability to freely alter their faces and body, they have become treasured throughout the centuries both as military assets and ornaments. Effectively immortal, Gemstones are, ironically, still susceptible to petrification spells, which had been employed many centuries ago, when they were first discovered by the rest of the world, and captured, shattered, or weaponized for whomever found them. Even now, there are a few sentient Gemstones stuck in vintage artifacts, silently bidding their time, waiting for the day to come in which they would become part of a greater being. [b]Class:[/b] Thornmail Guardian Some people choose to use weapons as their main source of damage. Others think that they should use magic to deal tons of suffering. That’s nice and all, but those people are also, generally, people who can’t face-tank a sledgehammer with a smile on their face. Thornmail Guardians can. Equipped with heavy armor that’s adorn with spikes and anti-magic runes, Thornmail Guardians are manly, manly men who ensure that those who attack them deal more damage to themselves than to the Guardians. [b]Weapon:[/b] Thorn of Shield Ier-Briar weapon is his armor, a suit of heavy armor that was created from Ezar-Mantine’s very body as a parting gift. Reinforced with crystals from his own body, this piece of armor has the same qualities as Gemstones: being able to repair cracks in itself autonomously. Spikes jut out from various sections of the armor, forming its main offensive component, while its gauntlets, the secondary weapon, are more akin to large, spiked clubs, ready to smash away creatures attempting to slip past his defences. Following up such a passive-offensive trend are the magical runes that accompany the armor, allowing for the partial reflection of magical damage back at the user. Though its effect appears to be inconsequential against weak spells, this partial reflection truly shines against powerful, but frail, magicians. On occasion, Ier-Briar would use a spear, also made from his body, if he wanted a more assured method of dealing damage, or if he was going to break down some defenses.[/hider] [b]World:[/b] Lucis [b]Short Biography:[/b] Ier-Briar spent three centuries in a mountain, slowly gaining self-awareness. Upon birth, he was taken under the wing of Ezar-Mantine, an ancient Gemstone who made it his duty to teach the young ones how to control their natural powers and become part of the rest of society. Though not exactly talented in the manipulation of his own body, his sturdiness amongst other Gemstones had earned him the surname of Thorn-of-Shield. His feminine appearance, on the other hand, had earned him a collection of more vulgar nicknames. After six years of perfecting his figure and his form, Ier-Briar was somehow sent a letter by a headmistress of whatever academy, telling him to join. He didn’t exactly want to, but Ezar-Mantine said that it was a good opportunity to see the rest of the world, so he did. Of course, before he left, he also shattered a few faces that he didn’t particularly like. [b]Personality:[/b] Ier-Briar is a pretty steady, positive guy. Surprisingly reliable, despite looking like a child and being only six years old, he’s a really generous person, the kind who gives homeless people change, or shares his lunch with friends. Then again, part of this kindness might just stem from the fact that, as a Gemstone, he has no need for money, shelter, warmth, food, or anything that those fleshbags require for continued existence. Though he has recently made attempts to improve himself in that direction, he still sees his race as superior to all those other soft humanoids. Ier-Briar also has a really good poker face, and has a tendency to never forget misgivings. If, fifty years into the future, someone gets punched through a wall by a young boy, it’s probably going to be Ier-Briar, who had allowed his revenge to be served cold. [b]Partner:[/b] Who knows? [hider=Fears/Weaknesses/Limits] Ier-Briar hates the water. Though he can’t drown, he also can’t swim, and is generally going to sink to the bottom of the ocean if he falls off a ship. And after he gets to the bottom, chances are that the water pressure would become strong enough that he’d be immobilized for the rest of his life in the abyss. If he hates the water, he fears paralysis. Despite his appearance, he’s an exceptionally heavy person. While this does not impede his movements on a day-to-day basis, seeing as he is already accustom to moving his own body, Ier-Briar must limited his movements when on unstable, weak buildings. Parkouring through rooftops is but a dream of his, because, chances are, he’ll just fall through the roof of whatever wooden building he lands on. At least he won’t sustain fall damage. Though he can simulate the ‘feeling’ of flesh on his surfaces, Ier-Briar is incapable of simulating the warmth of a living body. During a cold winter night, stranded on a mountain, you better hope that there’s another person whom you can share body heat with, because this little boy will only accelerate your death.[/hider] [hider=Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits] For Ier-Brier and most Gemstones, sensory ability is something that is strictly optional. If need be, they can turn off whatever senses they care not for, which makes someone like him an exceptional tank. Even if he gets hit, he won’t feel the pain…unless he wants to. Another innate trait of Gemstones is their ability to absorb any other ‘non-sentient’ gems, as well as eject those precious crystals from their body. Fighting a Gemstone with their super-magical diamond sword has left many adventurers crying for their mommy and money. Incidentally, the ejection of crystals is also the form of reproduction for their kind. It is not uncommon for a weapon to gain the ability to ‘talk’ after sitting around for a few dozen years, if only because the gem that rests in their pommel was one that was shed by a Gemstone. Finally, Gemstones are basically indestructible. Though they can be shattered with enough force, they will always be able to regather their body afterwards, and recover. During recovery, they can even come and alter those recovered body parts, allowing for transformations that stem from a new face to a sword-arm. It is for that reason that Gemstones rarely wield weapons that are not of their own making, for their body is literally their weapon. More skilled Gemstones have been known to be able to control their body as a fine, crystalline mist, which is considered to pinnacle of bodily control. Ier-Briar, on a more personal level, is only capable of using one spell: that which involves the invocation of magical chains. A linear magic that allows the user to connect a chain from one object to another object, this spell is most commonly used to connect himself with his target, ensuring that he can draw them towards him and keep those monsters away from the backline. Outside of that, being a six year old really means that Ier-Briar doesn’t know much, even though he didn’t really have a toddlerhood.[/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Like most Gemstones, Ier-Briar is aware that there is a segregation between love and reproduction. With a body that can be changed into any form, Gemstones are basically the Dittos of Lucis, other than the fact that they are cold to the touch and can’t sexually reproduce. [hider=Theme Song] [youtube]V5lD97_q1Fg[/youtube] [youtube]vY-gdCyX83I[/youtube] [/hider]