[img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/8af08db6e77a6de3a86d6bdce92c9558/http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Naruto_fan_Akki/castles/Neu20Schwanstein.jpg] [b]Welcome to the Academy.[/b] is posted on a big flyer, on the front gates of the school. Thousands of students pour through the front gates in of this Norwegian boarding school, hidden in the snowy mountains. All about the beautiful campus is not just snow, but signs of magic. Everywhere, from the graveyard out back where the misfits are toying with necromancy, to the roof, where two upperclassmen are sparring with elemental magic. Right now, everybody is so happy that fall break is over and that they can return to class, that nobody is really paying much mind to the mysterious disappearance of hundreds of students last semester. Perhaps their hopes are, that the tragedy is simply behind them. Fliers are posted every hundred ft or so reading that new students are to meet in the auditorium, in the main building. These aren't the only fliers though. Dozens upon dozens and maybe even hundreds of dozens of fliers and banners hang all about! They advertise clubs, sporting events, shops on campus or in nearby villages, tutors, and even sparring partners. In the center of campus is a 12 ft tall bronze statue of the original headmaster, put in roughly 300 years ago by the teachers and students. Some visitors from hawaii have adorned his statue with lays. Many other people have laid flowers about his feet, as if this were his headstone. Its a beautiful winter day, and fresh snow covers 2 - 8 inches of the surrounding territory, but inside campus it only lightly covers some of the plant life. This is thanks to the efforts of the custodians, and the S.E.A.L club who voluntarily shovels snow during the winters. Birds rest in their nest, and some interesting wildlife walks about the outer borders of campus. Even the headmasters came out of their offices to converse around the bronze statue and enjoy the day. Snow falls eve so faintly upon the school and the students that it will house for the months to come. There is an array of carts by the front gate and a second set by the front doors, for new students to place their belongings. About the outter edges of campus, are dorms. They are mixed gender dorms, though they were once seperated. The headmasters trust students to keep the volume level low when falaciating with each other. Behind the building, right next to the ledge that the whole school rest upon, is the graveyard. By the fromt entrance on the southern side is a green house containing the schools 4 story garden, of which 2 stories are underground, for low light plants and for the various funguses that are needed for classes. Most of the classes are held in the main central building, or in the surrounding areas outdoors. The 1.75 km field rest just outside campus and already boast the schools jimber team practicing. Finaly, upon the front archway reads a sign "Welcome Home" welcoming all students both new and old to the campus, where they will live the next few months of their lives.