The cold wind brushed past the angel’s hair as his steps brought him closer towards the academy. He had been there for a while, but it was time to return after a short winter break. Well, one couldn’t quite call it a break as a sword in hand was the most prominent feature of this ‘break’. With a deep breath, Leo shouldered the blade case with the strap running down his side. “Back home…” He whispered to himself, seeing the various students pass him by, pouring through the gate. So many young, eager minds ready to learn about their abilities and the dark secrets of the world. There was much to learn to say the least, much to know and even more to fear. The very magical powers they were trying to harness and command was more than ready to destroy the ones unable to calm the storm. His long, elegant black coat would reflect the clothes below and hinted towards a rather prestigious choice of attire. Leo did indeed enjoy his fashion and presumably hailed from a family of wealth. However, his humble and polite personality would clearly remove assumptions of a snobby demeanour. The students would probably be formally greeted and told how things are run around the academy, not to mention shown to their dorms. It was obvious how many had been touched by the chill of discomfort, keeping their arms close to their bodies and eyes down on the snowy ground. They didn’t know anyone and they were afraid to be outcasts in the one place where they were to be embraced. Who could blame them? The world feared and hated them, they were persecuted and sometimes even killed. Leo could never wrap his mind around a mortal’s sense of justice and moral, especially humans. What made them tick, exactly? Fear seemed to rule their logic and made most decisions for them. That was a dangerous road and casualties of that path had been shown time and time again. Now inside the warm interior of the castle, Leo moved his dark bangs from covering his eyes and revelled in the warmth. He found a good spot to wait for the announcements, leaning against the wall casually with the blade case resting against his frame. This school was an adventure all in itself. One could never truly anticipate what would happen within the enchanted walls of the academy. Magic is both wondrous and dangerous which has been proven several times in both class rooms and dorms. Of course, magic would not be the only thing a person should be wary of. With creatures from every single corner of the planet gathering in a single location, one should expect colourful abilities to blossom like roses in a field. The most important part was to keep an open mind and deal with every issue as it came. Some of the teachers could very well be considered insane and Leo wondered how they could ever have gotten their position. At the end of the day however, everyone could usually go to bed knowing that they were safe. Most of the time.