[quote=XecutionerRex] No matter the circumstance? [/quote] You mean regardless of the excuses that criminals tell themselves to try and rationalize their behaviour? Yes. Regardless of that. Let's look at a famous (albeit fictional) example of someone who stole only 'because he needed to'. Remember Aladdin, and how he was always stealing bread, on the basis of "gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat"? Why? Why did he have to steal to eat? There was plenty of food in Agrabah—they even had fresh fish for sale, despite being in the middle of the desert. Aladdin wasn't disabled or anything, he was easily the most physically fit person in town, incredibly strong and agile. The greedy little twat expects us to believe that despite having superhuman agility and coordination AND a superb singing voice, he was unable to find any kind of gainful employment in Agrahbah? More than likely, Aladdin just enjoyed the thrill of being a criminal, and had no moral recompense for both his theft and the ensuing mass destruction of public property.