[b]Alas Prime[/b] Grand Vessel Garama'kum spoke up. "We do apologize, Prince David, for our physical absence. The issue concerns the fact that Alas Prime is a fair distance away from our home system, and all of us leaving provides a great security risk. We have leadership to fill in the power vacuum--certainly--but we remain at great risk for piracy and invasions, no matter how heavily armed our fleets are. We're also going through some financial difficulties due to the expense of founding a colony, and the amount of fleet protection necessary would fiercely increase costs. Once we establish a safe, fast, and easily-accessed route will we be able to go to and fro." She smiled sheepishly, then continued. "In the meantime I wish to introduce you to the Vesselage, from left to right as you see. Vessel Merana'bum is a prophetess of the Goddess of Nature and Maternity, Markura, and as a result takes care of environmental issues and seasonal growth of our crops, as well as being in charge of our medicinal research. Vessel Yarin'tum is a prophet of the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce, Markarapas, and takes care of most major finances as mentioned above as well as goods exchanged. Vessel Orak'dum is a prophet of the God of Fire and Metalcraft, Yuturata, and overlooks all industrial production and the exchange and research of our excellent metallugical centers. Vessel Ymar'gum is a prophetess of the Goddess of Fortune and Odds, Oparas, and overlooks citizens and also allows Sazkarjhia to remain healthy in terms of how luck befits her. Finally, Vessel Pumar'kum is a prophet of the God of War, Mazdabar, and is the head of our military cabinet and works with our commanders for strategical purposes." She inhaled after the long introduction. "I am the Grand Vessel of the Supreme Being, Zarwaun. My name is Urwan Garama'kum and I am the leader of Sazkarjhia. If you wish, you can ask any of the Vessels or myself questions you may have."