Crouching amidst the inches deep layers of snow, yet to be shovelled in the courtyard, the machine elve's cloak of metallic dark grey feathers was settled around his person. Eyes were closed for a moment, only this moment, his fingers absently drummed along the armour worn on his shoulder before Dodo finally spread out both hands. Fingers and arms spread out wide, the falling snow above stopped in the air, and yet more snow rose from the ground. Swirling around him in a great speed, whipping his hair and cloak around, the snow collected and stuck to his person. More and more layers of snow, first frosting, now entirely encasing him in it’s cold fluffiness…within moments, there was nothing more than a small mountain of snow where Dodo had previously been crouching. Finally opening his eyes to the whiteness that blocked out his face, the bright glow of his big red eyes are visible through the flakes of frozen water, two orbs of light that could be seen by those who passed by the courtyard. With a saved breath, the machine elf blew the snow from his face. Now, the mountain of snow had his face peering out, a big Cheshire grin on his face. Despite how cold it seemed to be, it didn't seem to be affecting the teacher, he actually looked like he was pretty damned comfortable neck-deep in the collected snow. As the snow above him returned to falling, he snickered at some of the new students passing by and gawping at him…before staring up at more falling snow, a childlike sense of wonder quite obvious in his eyes.