Roxy had to admit - she was stunned into speechlessness; which didn't occur very often. A God - a real life, physical GOD - had just appeared in front of them. And had been rather pleasant, she was pleased to see; although not so much about the jobs of Apollo. She was his heir; did that mean she had to do all that stuff that Uta had mentioned? She just had this ridiculous picture of her walking up to some giant-ass Godly dude and telling him to bugger off. [i]Um, yeah, hi, I'm the new Apollo. Bad news buddy, you've kinda got to go and fade from existence now...[/i] And then a zap. Oh boy. This was her life now. Stifling a sigh as Uta disappeared, she glanced at Taiyo for him to lead the way, then blinked in surprise. "Hey! You're solid now!" She announced with a bright laugh. "That's pretty cool."