[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ODL9NrJ.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/CjEBiWp.png[/IMG] [b]This is the place alright. The picture my father gave me looks just like this Academy. Oh look it says welcome new students, I like that. This place looks welcoming so far. I just wish it wasn't so cold, good thing I can heat myself up. I love having fire power, just a little heat nothing that can get out of control or anything. I wonder if anyone would notice the boy with melting snow surrounding him. With everyone here knowing of magic, or users of magic it shouldn't be too out of the ordinary right? Right! That must be the original head master, that statue is amazing. My dad told me a lot about his time in the Academy, I hope I have some good stories to tell him about later on. Oh Yeah! My dad went to this Academy. You might've heard of him, Rich Golden? He was known for being a hot head, but all Goldens get that way. I guess it's just in our DNA or something, Ha! So I guess I'm kind of of a legacy here. Now where is that auditorium, this flyer says all new students are to meet there. Ok...turn left, then right, go straight. Nope I found the cafeteria, I had to take another left, then go straight. This is going to take sometime to get use too. ~You can always morph into your true form, and find anything you want by burning anything in your way down.~ I don't have time for you right now! Go away! ~You'll eventually need me, and I won't be polite again.~ I'm not crazy or anything it's just my fairy side tries to take over sometimes (I guess that sounds kind of crazy). My dad taught me some techniques to control it. My father is a descendant of the Royal Fire Fairy Clan, he was disowned because he married my now deceased mother, and with being disowned he doesn't have the Clan's help into grooming me per say, so I'm going to the Academy more unprepared then he ever was...anyway that's a story for another time and place. Time to find that auditorium. I wonder if I can use Pyro Nemesis, my enchanted sword in school. I mean I wouldn't use it on anyone of course, but just to show off. Someone holding a sword made of gold and fire, sure does make a first impression. After like half an hour I finally found the auditorium. It was in the main building, I must've forgot to read that part of the flyer. That's just how goofy I am I guess. This part of the school is gigantic. Even more flyers around this place then outside. I'll definitely be joining most of the sports they have here. Doing sports keeps my mind off of you know what. ~Me!~ Shut up already! There are a lot of good looking girls and guys here. I wonder who I'll have in my classes or as a roommate. [I]"Hey how are you lovely people today!"[/I] Cute bubbly girls, cute energetic guys. This place is going to be exciting none the less. That guy near the wall with a...SWORD! I guess you can have weapons out. He looks like he doesn't want to be bother. I'll just wave at him, and move on. Maybe I can talk with him later, he seems like he knows this place already. I need to make some friends here so I won't get lost anymore. For now I guess I'll just sit in the middle row of seats and wait for this show to start. [/b][/center]