The 2nd headmistress walked across the campus with the first and 3rd. She stood out from the other two, who wore heavy animal coats, simply because of her attire. She wore a much fleshier outfit that clearly wasnt meant for such weather. But she was cold blooded, and didnt notice the cold. Issabella walked past the angel, and the new teacher who looked like a giant fluffy kitten playing in the snow. As she passed the familiar face of Charlize, whom she had taught herbelore the year prior, she gave a gentle knod of hello, an continued to the auditorium. Along the way, she saw Alastair the new teacher, and gave a welcoming smile and a wave. In the auditorium, issabella and the other headmasters went up the center stage. Issabella walked behind a podium whilst the others took seats behind her. There was no microphone to speak into within view. Yet, she tapped the side of her neck with 2 fingers 3 times, and a thumping sound echoed through the auditorium, followed by a high pitched sound of a mic turning on. "Attention, new students and old students alike." She started out very plain an robotic, as if she had said this speech dozens of time before and was growing bored of it. "Welcome back to a wounderful new school year. This year, we are proud to pronounce that there are 3 new teachers joining us to teach 3 new subjects, and expan the potential growth for our precious young learners." The speech was so rehearsed it was boring. She went on about how proud the school was for 5 minuts before the speech got interesting. "I would like to adress the topic of the 423 fatalities, and 516 missing students last semester which more than tripled our semester average. We have put much time over break into researching and solving this problem. Rest be assured, it has been taken care of, and the students may feel safe and at home once more. I would like to adress the new policies reguarding schedule, weapons, combat, the use of magic outside of the classroom, and afew other things." "Firstly, in reguards to the schedule. This year, rather than assigning classes as we have in previous years, we will allow students to choose their classes with a minimum of 1 athletic or outdoor coarse, and 4 coarses of more intellectual level. A student may have a maximum of 8 classes per day, and at most 2 elective coarses such as art, or sparring class. Any questions are to be brought to headmistress Chin, in her office on the 13th floor of the eastern tower." There is a momentary pause again before she continue her speech. "The dorm situation has changed. This year, we are once more allowing students to choose their doorms, and roomates. The rules are simple. 2 students to a room max. If somebody wishes to share a room with you, and you do not have a roomate yet, you must permit them. Dorms are now cross gender, meaning males and females may be in the same hall, and even the same dorm. We in return for this leniancy expect students to stay in their dorms after curfew accept for durin emergencies or for restroom breaks. We also ask that you respect your neighbors and keep the noise level to a minimum after curfew." "The new policy for the use of weaponry, magic, and outside class combat has changed. Weapons are once more permitted for use and show around campus. The acception is that we request all weapon to be checked in with and aproved by the school nurse. No soul consuming, or excessively fatal weapons may be used outside of a controlled classroom setting. Magic is once more permitted outside of the classroom enviornment for students age 17+. Students who wish to spar may do so in the following locations due to enchantments that help prevent fatalities: The roof, the field, the large center area in the center of campus, by the headmasters statue, the gym, and in any controlled classroom setting. Fighting in the halls is not permitted and will result in disiplinary action." "Pets are once more permitted upon campus with the acception that they must be with their masters, or in their master's dorms at all times. Outside of the dorm they are required to have restraints such as harnesses. Loud pets are not permitted in the classrooms, and must be muzzled or at night. Any pets that could pose a threat to other students are to remain in the field or the stable under the watchfull eye of our animal expert issabella... Oh sorry thats me." She laugh a bit realizin she was reading the speech like a printer. Then she tossed the cards over her shoulders ad smiled. The other headmasters lowered their heads in dissapointment. "Everybody, we want you to grow and to learn and have fun while you do it. Respect each other and respect the staff and this can be a great school year! Complete one assignment each week, and shot for more. Every mission is a chance for experiences not taught in a classroom! So go out there, learn who you are, and try not to kill each other in the process okay? You are all dismissed. Classes start tomarow at 8am." As she finishes, a translator walks up behind her an begins relaying the final information in various languages, of which not all are human.