Working on an OOC. If it ain't up today, I will finish it tomorrow. Arrow comes on tonight so what are you gonna do? The town will be mostly human-based, but I will allow fantasy races to an extent (no half-dragon, half-demons, centaurs, minotaur type of folk). Humans, dwarves and elves are a certainty. Faeries? Mmm... I'd need to see the character sheet first, but don't get hopeful. Demonism can play a part in this roleplay, especially since the demonic/cult/ritualistic type of stuff will fit into this setting, but characters being half-demons themselves I would have see a bio first. I don't know what the hell what lupians, vukpians, or felinians are, and Google is going slow cause of a background download. Thing is, if your character looks something like a monster and might cause people to go crazy and try to kill you, it's probably not going to be allowed; the fact you have demonic powers that enhance your being might be okay. We'll work with each other. Magic will be allowed, but you won't be seeing great wizards levitating and hurling countless fireballs at people. It will be more subtle, more spell-based, mysterious, and have a 'dark side' to it. Some stuff I have thought about: -A werewolf storyline? -Bloodhaven: a Castle where an ancient vampire lived; now this vampire will be reminiscent of Count Dracula and I will use his original description as a sort of inspiration. -Undead? But more traditional, I gotta look into that some more, try to find some old 1800's/1900's stuff on it. -Orcs? Goblins? Trolls? Taking notes from Tolkien on that - I'm not going the same pathway where they're an accepted culture. The orcs will be deformed savages with an insatiable thirst for blood and vengeance. -Serial killers in the woods? -Urban legend type stuff? Bigfoot type of stuff. Time to research. -Some serious mystery going down in town and storytelling. It's not gonna be all action, I want to have some chilled back moments you know? Maybe we can just gather around and talk character-to-character and discuss backstories. Give me some ideas fellows!