Ooh this looks fun! And interesting and promising, And such. :) Two questions for you. Could I make a dog? And can I make a god? Obviously, I won't be put out if you say no. Otherwise I wouldn't ask. :P The basic premise is of a lowgrade god that came down to the world and got turned into a dog by a wizard. I think I was reading the magic section correctly when I came to the conclusion that this could, theoretically, be possible. Not sure though. The actual character would have the physical prowess of a larger dog, slightly under greyhound size, but roughly the same shape. And very little actual magic either. As gods seem to work through people, he'd require a priest's prayer to actually accomplish anything, and even then, might not manage. He is more sentient than a dog though, and has a certain sense of humour, and while he does tend to be more of an observer character, I do not mind that or letting others move him as they like, since he'd prefer to not give himself away and most dogs, especially if they're in the king's kennels, are going to be obedient. I am also not against working with you to make him fit better than I've managed here. ;)