[quote=Halo] Xecutioner, stop being such a little fucking princess about the fact that he called your arguably-naive views naive. It's really not that big a deal, for fuck's sakes. Now [I]that's[/I] insulting. [/quote] Because this: [quote=XecutionerRex] I never insulted you. So don't insult me.[/quote] Makes me a princess. Right? [quote=Dervish] Waitwaitwait.Are you implying that if Heinz was educated, he could have gone to school to become a doctor to invent a cure? Because chances are, this whole terminal illness thing is recent and not something he's known about since, I don't know, the beginning of high school. Also, comparing human beings with civilization and all the complicated interconnected systems that are involved with maintaining said civilization to a tiger, whose primary two concerns are eating and caring for their young, is pretty silly. One tiger was bigger and stronger, ergo, it gets more at the expense of the other. If humans still worked by that logic, I'd be able to go into your home, beat you from an inch of your life, and claim everything in said home as my own with no recourse with such abstract concepts such as law enforcement. Bigger tiger doesn't have to worry about the Fuzz, and it also doesn't have social services to draw from. Being a human is pretty neat, gotta say. Enough that your analogy isn't really working for this. By the way, what's your address? King of the jungle wants a new TV. [/quote] I was trying to say if he had the chance to get a proper education, and decided to become a doctor, and his wife ended up with cancer, maybe he could have made his own cure to save her. But then you could argue that had he become a doctor he'd marry someone different and yada-yada-yada. So I don't know if that's worth talking about. Yes, humans do indeed have civilization, and would appear to have more complex things going on than a tiger, who's life seems pretty simple. I don't remember the last time I saw one dress in suit 'n tie for work. My point however, is that when backed up against a wall, the human mind can and will boil down to nothing but that of an animal's. Think about the Donner Party; they were starving and cold, and with nowhere else to turn they began feasting on their own deceased. That's something we see a lot in the natural world, but it's looked down upon by most human cultures. But they were desperate, so the animalistic mindset that lays within us all took over. Similarly, Heinz cares about his wife more than the doctor's because humans are social beings who are bound to their own family, tribe, and (We can see it in the form of hardcore patriots) even their countries. It all starts with the family. As families unite, people start to look out for their tribe. As tribes unite to become something more, people's interests keep expanding with the population. This fits in perfectly with what you said about human culture being so intricate; I completely agree with you on that. But when you take away all these layers and get to the core you find a beast. And all the beast cares about in Heinz situation is the survival of his wife, because she is essentially the most important thing in the world to him (Save for any kids). Hopefully I'm wording this right. But dude you can have my T.V just don't take the porno a'ight? I need that.