[b][u][center]~*~ ACCEPTING NEW CHARACTERS, Check out the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64570/posts/ooc]OOC[/url]![/center][/b][/u] This is an rp based off of the TV show about Fire Fighters, Paramedics and the drama they go through between work and their personal lives. You don't have to be very familiar with the show but if you'd like to get a basic understanding of it check these out: For a Brief description of the show [url=http://www.nbc.com/chicago-fire/about]Click Here. [/url] For Wiki Chara Details [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Fire_%28TV_series%29]Click Here. [/url] I'm just curious if there are enough people to make a sort of Slice of Life type of RP. It can include the original cast but can include your own unique characters as well. This will be strict to the TV show in setting and will not include any sci-fi or super powers. There will be limited positions room for several people. We will probably only have two or three fire houses to hold characters. All other characters will have to be related, work in the hospital or otherwise. Each fire house will hold two Paramedics, two squads, and a chief. Details will come if enough interest shows. The TV show has a lot of drama and is character based. This rp will be the same. There will be calls that come in and drama entwined throughout the story and between the characters so there will be lots of room for character development. This show is fascinatingly full of content that sucks you in deep. I am looking for committed people to support a growing, ever changing long-term rp. Don't say you're interested if you're going to disappear or fall off in a week or so. Let me know if you're interested and committed. If enough people are I'll write up an intro.