[b]Saturn's Orbit, Sol System[/b] The Admiral kept himself collected, despite looking right down the (technically metaphorical) barrel of a pistol. His guards, however, drew their weapons. The bullets would probably bounce right off the Mandalorian armor. "I had no intention of-" He paused, realizing that what he was about to say would likely anger the Mandalorian further. The last thing Terra needed was a war, clearly, Terran weaponry was completely inadequate for any sort of actual conflict. "My superiors are on Luna, likely engaged in peace talks with the aliens from what I know. I have a quantum entanglement transmitter implanted in my brain. These things can't be jammed and can't be intercepted. If you pull that trigger, the pain signals will be picked up by that transmitter, causing it to send a distress call straight to my cousin, leader of the Wings of Gliese. They've got a ship, the weapons on that thing makes the kilometer-long electromagnetic cannon on the dreadnoughts look like a pop gun. Do you really want to return home in a ship half ripped apart, carrying a declaration of war with you?"