Synn walked onto campus in his usual attire. The cold weather urked him, but he would get over himself. As he approachED the campus, snow simply lifted itself and moved away from his path. He carried the "Angry, yet determined" look upon his face. His intentions weren't met last semester. Though he had asked every teacher, and read nearly every book on campus, there was no information on the manifestation of which was sharing a body with him. This year, Synn was determined to find answers. Even if it meant searching through the "Forbidden Section" of the library, or asking one of the dreadful headmasters for help, he was determined to get his body back under his control 110%. Just as he was entering the main building, with a cart trailing behind him with his 2 bags, he heard: “Welcome~! Good Morning~! Carefully~! I love you~!” and could feel his insides roll about in grief. Synn wanted to ignore the strange pale man, with the metal parts, and wierd eyes, but... the darned entity within him forced him to cup his hands to his mouth, and shout: "TAKE THAT PROPAGANDA ELSEWHERE!" After which, he regained control, just long enough to facepalm and mutter under his breath. "god be damned you blubbering fool. its the first day at school and your insulting teachers! Cut it out or ill have you strung up by you whatever it is you use to reproduce and skinned by a werewolf when im done with you." His own eyes had fleshed a little red for a few moments during this process. Nothing exciting happened, just a little flashy flash flashy. Slowly, Synn started to lower his hand and look up, praying to god that he didnt attract any unwanted attention this early. Of coarse, Headmistress Chin was staring him down from across the hall. He hated when she stared at him. You could never guess what she was thinking. She was always so plain, and lacking of body language. For someone as old as her, you'd hope she learned how to open her mouth and say something occasionally.