[i]"TAKE THAT PROPAGANDA ELSEWHERE!"[/i] Just covering the bases for the first day so the other staff couldn't say Dodo didn't try, he was pleasantly surprised when a student actually answered him. Blinking, smiling, the teacher waved at the student. That student…something told him…would do really well here. Whatever ‘well’ was for this academy. Hearing somebody speaking his way, the elf turned and smirked at such a question. With his mug now gone, his yage brew was done, but… “That was the brew of shaman; make you see spirits, interdimentional beings, see visions…the taste reminds me of back home.” Pausing for a second, rubbing his chin in mock thoughtfulness…Dodo caught a sealed black bottle, before holding it out to the man, “Try it. This ‘moonshine’, as the humans would call it…is some of the good stuff. ‘Could peel paint’, ‘turn you blind’, ‘kill your fish tank’, and a few other accurate reviews…” Sharp, toothy smile, the elf continued to push it upon the man…turned and waving at one of the headmasters across the hall that he had only just noticed.