[center][b]Cease Fire, Lothar Wolff[/b][/center] One of the first glimpses that Lothar would have of his ancestral homeland was definitely not as pleasant as he imagined it to would be. The town was ravaged and scorched by signs of past battles as the fields were burned and the people in the town were hardened. The townspeople were obviously familiar with war. In fact, the so called army was obviously suffering from attrition as they were poorly equipped and low in numbers. Still, they had probably seen more conflict than most. As the group traveled through the town, Lothar’s observations were only continuously confirmed with the presence of refugees were scattered throughout the town. Even the church, practically a symbol of Rheinfeld, was in poor condition. When the group arrived at the destination, the group effectively split up. Renaldo, a standoffish priest who likely knew a little of the Wolff’s history, suggested that the group split up to find some information before they leap straight into action. Draza, an interesting, friendly pixie, convinced her companion, Gahrul, to protect the old mage. She and Alvaharyis then walked off together to see if they can gather information. Now, Lothar was left with Renaldo. There were a lot of places in the town that they could look. Lothar took it upon himself to talk with Renaldo so that they could figure out where they should go. “Renaldo, feel free to suggest something else, but I think we should go and see if there is a pub in the town. We could get the thoughts of the common folk, and on top of that alcohol makes people have loose lips.” Renaldo agreed with Lothar’s suggestion and they walked off in search of a pub. They would see that most of the establishments were closed as they went about their business. Some that they asked for directions to the pub would, in fact, as if frightful of something, turn and abruptly hurry off. After nearly five minutes have passed, they realize that they could not be sure of which building was the pub. Of course, they could tell that it must be open as they spy a woman in ill-fitting armour, a sash about her arm marking her as a woman of the Rheinfeld Republic stumbling about, trying to use various objects to support herself as she hiccups and looks around confused. It was apparent she was looking for something, yet was totally lost. Lothar saw this woman and was a bit concerned. Who knows how much she had to drink, but it was obvious that she was distressed. His empathy and consciousness would not allow him to ignore this woman. So, he simply went ahead and began to speak to this woman. “Excuse me, mam. Are you fine? You seem to be disturbed by something.” She rubs her eyes, brushing her hair back for a moment, still looking around. "Yeeeaaah, perfecdly fine! Why w... wouldn't I," she is interrupted by a hiccup, "wouldn't I be?" She chuckles and cranes her head, looking at something far off, for what he can't be sure. "I was jush lookin for ah, the uhm..." she stops and looks at Lothar, her confusion instantly melting. "Think I wush lookin for youu, hello handshome," She all but purrs with a slur, attempting to straighten her appearance out some. Lothar was a bit… bothered by the behavior of the woman. He was under the impression that the women of Rheinfeld were supposed to be prideful, self-respecting, or at the very least pious. Then again they are humans who are fallible. Perhaps, he was being too idealistic? Regardless, Lothar was here on a mission, and needed to remain focused. He addressed the woman “Are you sure you are fine, then? Very well. May I ask you what you think about the situation that is going on right now? I hear that there’s some big meeting that’s going on soon at the church where some agreement is trying to be formed.” The woman furrows her brow, stifling a hiccup as if trying to remember something for a moment. "I'm not... shure whatchyur talkin about, the only sitchu... situway... problem thad I shee is how I've talked to every young... young man here," she sniffles and hiccups, blubbering a bit, "and no one will show me a good time!" She wipes her eyes and nearly falls over when she takes her hand off the table she had been using for support. Her eyes dart to Renaldo for a moment and her lip quivers, "Not even gonna bother tryin thad one, all the udder ones dressed like him were shnobs!" Lothar sighed at almost pitiful scene. Still, he walked up to the woman and offered his hand so that he could stabilize her (while also using the few seconds he would have contact with her to use his ability and see if she truly knew nothing). He said to the woman “Come on. Let’s get you a seat on that table. You might fall. Don’t be so sad. I’m sure you’ll find someone who is worth more than a fun night at some point. Can I inquire about your name, mam?” She sniffles and takes his hand, using him for support to move onto the table. The first few flashes of thought seem far too lewd to come from a respectable Rheinfeld woman, however, the images fade to the image of the church and memories of a meeting, followed by a series of men in uniform of neither the Republic or Templar walking through the town and a brief exchange between themselves and the woman... Resulting in them rejecting her as they were "Far too busy for a drunken harlot." As the woman gets situated on the table, her cheeks are flushed and she looks at Lothar, obviously taking the kind gesture as more, "Yer shudch a gentleman.... Ah, my name, its... Freja. Freja Halten," she smiles and perks up a little, "Hauptmann Freja Halten, of the Republic." She announces, hoping to impress Lothar. Lothar nodded and replied “Freja, it has been interesting to meet you. My name is Lothar. I have to admit that I am busy right now, but I will be in town for a while. When you sober up, then feel free to look around for me, and I promise you that I will make some time to talk to you. I am someone who prefers to talk to people and learn more about who they really are. For now, are you able to get home safely?” as he spoke, he also telepathically told Renaldo and Alhvaharyis about the unknown, uniformed men who were walking in the town that Freyja had seen. Freja appears puzzled, "To Veldhausen?... Its... a bit of a trip." She fidgets a little before it seems to dawn on her. "The meeting! I'm supposed to be there for the treaty!" She jumps up off the table, looking around franticly for the church, "Oh, by the Mother and Father, I hope I have not missed anything important..." Lothar was surprised. It was a bit unexpected, but apparently right before him was a woman who was going to be a figure in the diplomatic meeting that was to occur. Perhaps this was a stroke of luck. Still, he was a bit concerned about the woman. She was far from sober. Lothar said “Freja, I can help you get to the meeting if you want. I’m still worried about you. You can barely walk as is.” as he offered his arm to her. Besides it was about time for Lothar and Renaldo to return to the church after all. She giggles and stumbles, slipping her arm within Lothar's, "Thank you, maybe the udders will excushe my latenesh for findin sudch a cadtch." She leans on Lothar for support, finally spying the church and points towards it, "Thaddaway." Lothar nods as he begins walking to the church, but as he walks he reaches to his belt for his water canteen. He takes it and offers it to Freja and says “Here, you might want to drink some water. It should help at least a little.” She nods thankfully and takes the water, sipping from it. "Hope the Templar don't take offenshe... We need this alliance." Lothar thought to himself “Don’t we all…” as he continued to walk towards the church with Freja by his arm.