"Strengths, well, I have plenty of those," Iral said quickly, eager to talk about them. "Like the rest of my people, I was born with a higher amount of spirit energy than most humanoid species, which is fundamental to our strength. I've trained long and hard to increase my energy, which allows me to multiply my physical capacity several times. So, when I say I punch things, I mean to punch them hard. Kicks too. I can jump high and move fast. On Vulban I was well known and feared for what they called the Death Grip," he explained, clenching and unclenching his right hand, playfully. "Because if I got my hands on you, I wouldn't let go and nobody I've ever grabbed had the brute strength to escape. So, if I wanted you dead, you'd die. That's the Death Grip guarantee. "As for weaknesses...," he thought, his eyes rising to the ceiling. "I don't know, I don't really have any," he mumbled, clearly never having had to think much about it in his life. "My primary concern has always been if somebody were physically stronger than me. If they were, which is rare, then I usually had the brains to out smart them. The main thing my enemies tried to do when they fought me was to keep their distance or attempt to control me via telekinesis, which my people are very fond of. That's certainly something I can only counter through the element of surprise, but I have plenty of experience with dealing with it. You can do that right? If we fight someone with telekinesis just distract them or something and I'll take care of it," he explained dismissively. And then something suddenly struck him-- his most deadly weakness which could render him completely useless if somebody could execute it. Nobody here would know that, Iral thought with confidence, but he didn't know if he wanted to reveal that to Jupiter. In fact, he knew he didn't. They were required to be on a team, but that didn't mean he trusted him yet in case the situation changed. Striking very precise parts of his body could temporarily disrupt the flow of energy through his body, depending on where the blow landed. For instance, there is a pressure point close to his deltoid muscle. If struck there hard enough, he'd be unable to channel energy to the corresponding arm and deal the same devastating force he is known for. If he's struck there even harder, he may be unable to use that arm at all. Everyone on his planet had the same pressure points, so they were all trained on how to both exploit them and protect them, but where everybody was the same in that sense, Iral was never worried because his people feared ever getting within arm's reach of him. In order for the blows to be successful, they usually needed to be administered physically, but he didn't know what to expect here or how much anybody knew. "Yeah, I think that pretty much covers it," he concluded. "As long as I can get close, we shouldn't have a problem."