The girl was grateful that he had come back... She thought that maybe he'd left her or he had never actually been there at all. She wiped her eyes, stopping the tears as best she could as her eyes remained on the floor. "N-no," She mumbled as she sniffled and attempted to keep herself from trembling. If Hanta could be strong, then she would be too - she couldn't be dead weight. After a few deep breaths, she looked up with still-red, finally tearless eyes. "Sorry... I-I just remembered yesterday... That's all..." The girl waved her thoughts away dismissively before replacing the once-fearful expression on her face with a smile, looking to her friend. "C'mon, let's make ourselves useful today," She suggested, "If we sit around and do nothing, we'll only feel worse." Komada wanted to do anything possible to distract herself from having to focus on their new reality. She swiped open her menu and her body flashed as she equipped her starter equipment. She thought to equip the cutlass, but then she looked a little more into the rapier's stats - now that these things would actually matter to her. It was a speed-based stabbing weapon and she debated for a few moments before equipping it. The girl had decided to abandon her initial favour to the curved sword for the pointed one. Her foot scuffed the ground awkwardly, "When I saw you fighting yesterday, you looked really good..." She said absently before perking up, "I mean! Like you were good at the game!" She corrected herself without hesitation, waving her hands in her attempt to explain better. "It's just... I don't know how to make my sword glow or do any of those moves... A-and... Well, I don't know anything. I don't want to be useless, so... Can you show me how to play?" The girl asked, looking down again as her hands held one another behind her back. She was still tired due to her poor sleep the night before, but she pushed the need to rest out of her head. The two would head out to the field that day - along with countless other players. It was likely the safest day for training of any considering the number of players who were out killing the boars as quickly as possible. It was difficult to find a niche or any kills for oneself, but at least there was little danger in a monster killing you. Komada proved to be a rather quick learner, even f she didn't quite get the mechanics of the game right away. She even managed to level up in the droves of other players working to build their skills. She jumped with a bright, gleeful smile as she almost shook with excitement. Maybe she could do this. After all, she gained one level, what could kee pher from a second? A third? A fourth?