[b]Harrison McCray - Behind The Florence - [url=http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTY3ODIwNTY5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTg2MzQ2MQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg]Frank Lakey[/url], Chief of Gastown Police[/b] "Look Frank, I don't want that rogue detective of yours on my ass! I got a deal with the Asians coming up and don't want him on my tail, none of my guys do. If he continues to pursue, I apologize beforehand for the [i]collateral damage[/i] that may occur" Harrison stated to his old pal Frank. The man crossed his arms and waited for a response from the Chief. The two went way back, as far back as middle school. "Is this how you talk to an old friend Harry?" Frank asked with his arms up high. "Were not friends Frank, were partners. I give you twenty percent of the profit, you keep these bozos off my tail. But when someone doesn't do their job, well, my investment money starts running low. You understand there Frank?" Frank fixed his cowboy hat and bit his lip before answering. "I can't control the guy Harry. They sent him out here from central, I'm not his boss. They got him running up the office like a ghost. He comes and goes whenever he pleases" Frank started, getting closer to say the next part. "They told me he has some kind of past with you guys. Something to do with his family. He's got a vendetta or something." "Look Frank. Either you handle it, or we will. We don't want to get into a problem with your office, but we have to keep business rolling. This ins't going to stop us. It's enough having that other All-American of yours on our turf, but now this guy. You're losing your touch old man." "You're not looking like you used to either Harry" Frank laughed. "The guy has two more weeks left here in Gastown. If he gets nothing on you guys then he returns to central. I'll make sure that happens, don't worry." Frank then extended his right hand out and took a hold of Harry's. Then two men shuck hands and went their own ways. ----------------------------- [b]Isabel McCray - The Florence - Young Jasmine[/b] The bar by this time was already getting busy and picking up speed. Usually, Isabel takes care of the afternoon shift, one p.m. to seven p.m. At seven, Jasmine comes in and takes over with Maria. But Maria seemed to be running late today. "Where the hell is that bitch?" Isabel cursed as he fixed a drink for a client. She then noticed Charles enter the bar with Tony. "Jasmine, take over for a second" Isabel instructed as Jasmine followed directions. Isabel rushed towards the Charles and her nephew. She gave Charles a smile and kissed Tony on the cheek. "Where the hell is Maria?" she asked Tony as Charles continued to the bar stools. "Hahaha. She out there screamin at some clients" Tony laughed as he placed his hands in his pockets. "That dumb Mexican" Isabel cursed. She hadn't always been that rough, just changed after the depression hit. She became more open-minded and violent. Isabel then rushed outside as Tony continued to laugh. Once outside, she saw Maria speed-walking in the bar's direction. "Where the hell were you?!" Isabel called out to her. He had her arms crossed in frustration. Suddenly, Tony came out as well. "It's alright Auntie, you can blame me for her tardiness, haha" he smiled. Isabel turned without amusement. "What did you do?" "I don't know. We had a few drinks late last night. You know, dumb shit." Isabel rushed to Tony's side and smacked the kid upside the head. "You owe me lunch" she stated. And as Maria got closer to the entrance, Isabel apologized, but with authority. "I'm sorry" she said, not even looking at her. "I'm off the clock" she added, walking towards her fancy Mercedes. As she got in and started the engine, Tony came up to the window. "Where's Harry? He in the back?" "I don't know what that man is up to" she stated without turning. "What the hell Auntie, you two fighting again?" "Ask Harry" she stated, quickly accelerating away. She nearly ran over Tony's foot. "Damn" the VP whispered as he turned towards the late Maria. "Sorry darlin, didn't mean to give you a hangover, Haha!" he laughed. "It's not my fault you like beer so damn much. You should get some help" he joked, putting a cigarette between his lips. He took the lighter out of his pocket and lit the bud. "Next time, don't let me into your apartment uninvited. Now go on, get to work" he smiled as he started for the gate to the back entrance.