[i]Unknown Space[/i] A single Ethereal Cruiser warped into the system, and was met with a spectacular sight, of a huge gas giant with vibrant moons and many other systems. This ship was a scout, for rumors persisted of Tier 2 sentient life having colonized most of this system, including the garden world. As such, it was important to assess this new enemy, and discover any weaknesses of any kind before they could become a threat. As such, the ship was largely outfitted for stealth, with an energy dampening system for masking itself on long range sensors and communication jamming equipment. On the downside, it was not outfitted for large scale combat and speed, not that it was intended to do anything of the kind in this scenario. Silently as possible, the ship scanned it's nearby surroundings, and found artificial heat plumes, as well as structures and sentient life of several kinds. Moving slowly, it began to approach the source, eager to identify these creatures. While unlikely to be spotted via radio imaging at this range (the engine dampeners were very effective), there was no guarantee that it couldn't be seen out of a window or porthole when it got close. Hopefully, they would be slow to react, if it didn't act too hostile. It was unfortunate it came to this, but hopefully this element of the plan would fall into place, and begin their crusade.