[quote=confidence] okay now I feel a little bad for making it more crowded but not bad enough ;)hi! call me Confidence, or Julie, or whatever you want. just one question, though: what exactly is the plot of this roleplay? I noticed the mention of Alistair (I think that was his name?) in Mizuho's bio, and the first post of the IC (that I mistakenly thought was the first post of the OOC, oops) mentioned the stranger whose name started with a D, but I didn't read anything about him. maybe I didn't look hard enough, though? [/quote] Ooh welcome newbie! The more the merrier! Feel free to ask any questions. Okay, so in terms of plot, it isn't completely clear cut for the following reason: These characters pretty much have no common ground. I'm hesitant to be like "THIS IS WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO" because I believe roleplaying is at it's best when everyone throws in their little curveballs and surprises. This roleplay is mostly character-driven, and people are free to contribute their ideas to give the plot a huge twist. I've also been part of an RP where the plot was too controlling. The GM's character was the main character with all of the special things and blah blah blah. There was a lot of god-modding and EVERYTHING was controlled... Everything. I felt that the participants weren't really able to contribute, they were just there to add characters and a little fluff to what the GM had in mind. I don't want that to happen to this roleplay. That being said, there is in fact a main plot. Basically, Celosia's brother was killed by Dhoulen so she sets out for revenge. And or whatever reason, everyone decides to join her to help her on her quest. (Or hinder, depending on who). The first part of the plot will revolve around trying to figure out who Dhoulen is, and why he's committing the murders. The second part will be introduced by a huge twist that will hopefully blow everyone's minds, and this will cause a shift in the goal of the journey from revenge, to "we have to save the world." Again, I don't want this to be too plot or main-character-driven. I believe that everyone should be able to develop their own stories, their own subplots within the main plot to truly make the story their own. Which is why I haven't written out the official synopsis of Mirrored Fate. I'm currently wracking my brain to come up with a system to let someone pull the plot to center around their own character for a bit, so the roleplay isn't purely about Celosia's revenge. I'm not sure how well it'll work especially with all the people... But regardless of such a system, I really really really want everyone to contribute and add twists and turns. I plan to nudge things into the right direction from time to time, but I don't want to be too controlling, because Celosia isn't the only main character, everyone else is one too. I hope I cleared things up about the plot a little, and I hope you guys all get what I'm saying!