Neither Chrion nor Rilden would speak an answer. It didn't matter. She slowly stood and looked at them with a small tug on her lips, "We all have different ideas of a happy ending." With that, she walked around them and onwards down the street of the village, not sparing a look back. In truth, she was a bit upset of their words, but she was sure they didn't mean any harm by it. Jamlamin's actions and words were by far the most concerning. The scene repeated itself over and over in her head as she strolled through the streets with no destination other than to kill time until dusk fell. Some of the children from earlier found her again and insisted she perform some more magic. She was happy to comply with their wishes. With the sun starting to fall down below the horizon it was a much better time for the fire display. She threw her hand into the air and sent several sparks whistling high in to the air in different directions, a few towards the mountain, and the rest, save one , over towards the sea. They burst with bright colors. This went on for the better part of an hour. One after another she would send bright sparks skyward, hold fire in her hands, and other minor conjuring tricks. As the sun dipped below the horizon it wouldn't be the voice of their matron that would prompt them to return home, but her own. "It's getting late; you should all be heading home. It's nearly bedtime." The children groaned as they sulked away. Robyn couldn't help but break a smile as they did. Oh when life was that easy. As for her, the night was still young, and she needed to get to Rilden's meeting. She slowly made her way back towards the barn.  She couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. After Jamlamin's actions she wasn't comfortable in the growing darkness alone anymore. What did he mean by all that? What was going on in his head? Was he hiding in the shadows now? She turned the corner just a block away from the barn. She seemed to be the first to arrive.