"You're going to keep it" Alicia spoke answering Maia's question as she entered the room, walking up to stand between the two beds. She folded her arms as she looked between them, seeming to check them momentarily as if making sure they were alright. Her eyes moved back to them before she continued, "There was no question that what both of you did was more than just silly, going into a cave alone in your first year is next to suicide" she said, her tone rather blunt and to the point, however she softened it as she continued once more, "However, Maia you showed compassion for a fellow student and assisted him in his time of need. I believe that to be a defining trait of a good leader" she said with a small smile, her metal wings shifting slightly behind her as they responded to her emotions and her aura. "Either of you who take the position must understand the burden that comes with leadership. It's not a title of fun nor a title for vanity, it's a responsibility and a promise that when you walk towards the dark hand in hand with those you call your friends by your side, you will make damn sure every last one of them will make it back to the light when all hell has done nothing but claw at your mortal core. Accepting leadership is to accept that you will make the tough calls when the time comes... and that those who stand beside you may not be there to see the first grey strands peek from our hair" she said before exhaling, taking a pause to let that sink in before she added "In any case, I'm glad you're both ok. I'm sorry for seeming hard on you both when we got out of that cave... It was just the adrenaline talking"