Jamlamin made his way back to the house and grabbed his journal a letter marked his latest entry but instead of reading his latest entry he pulled the letter from between the pages of the book and read it to himself [i] My dear friend J, I have found your birth parents, they are alive they are struggling to make anything but they are alive, me and my associates will keep an eye on them and try to keep them safe. Because for you my friend the sky is the limit, I will send my next letter to your Foster Aunt's inn in Silveredge that way our mystery friend won't intercept that letter and use it against you. Stay safe my friend and keep your eyes peeled ~ T[/i] Jamlamin read this letter every night before bed it gave him peace and easiness and he needed that more and more as of late, these people put him on edge they were constantly expecting him to jam a knife in their ribs or sell them out to Fuso's who Jamlamin hated more than anything, he looked outside wrapped in his thoughts and realized how dark it was getting, they would probably be heading to the barn now so Jamlamin put the letter back in his journal and set the journal down gingerly on the desk and stood. He could of turned into a shadow and traveled to the barn but he didn't want to exhaust himself and he didn't want to rely on his ability that much so he walked, he walked through the streets until he arrived at the barn and found just Robyn standing there alone. She seemed on edge so Jamlamin avoided her and sat down on a bale of hay.