As the baby sitter entered the room everyone was in, it was clear she wasn't trying to comfort the child. She took a quick look outside to make sure the mother was gone before speaking to the child. She was probably around thirty years of age, maybe younger. He voice showed more age, as it was rough and mean. "Clean up your mess here before your mother get's back. I have some work to do until then." she said. The child was angry, turned, then exited the room the way he had came before. The sound of a door slamming was heard soon after. The sitter grunted and disappeared in the opposite direction, disappearing into a door within the room everyone is in. The current room everyone is in is actually the biggest room in the house... and not being that big, shows the size of the rest of the house. The room has no room for much furniture, other than a few chairs and a table for eating food... which are put away until needed. They probably haven't been used in years due to the current family's behaviour. There were only three adjoining rooms. The first, being the front door to the house, where the mother had left (Not much of a room.) The second, being through the door the sitter had exited into. The third is an open archway leading into a hallway,with an obvious door leading into another room seen from within our room. : You... start to feel something in your arms and legs. Something twitching. No one else feels this, just you. Moments later your arms and legs work perfectly! You are able to move your head, your wings, your legs, and pretty much everything you have attached to your body! You can't fly however, as stuffed animals don't have that capability. Also due to your size, you can't open any doors. You'd need the others' help to reach them, but they can't move yet. Also sadly, there are no chairs close enough to reach the chairs either. Your only options are to explore the current room, or move into the hallway...