Myztii looked to Joe quietly for a moment. She sighed. "Thank you for looking out for me, and I'm sorry if I come off as cross.. But you have to understand how the situation looks to me. As a female, I'm already at higher risk for being a target.." She cut her eyes to Gabe. "..So in this situation, you can imagine how I feel like I'd be voted off the island first right?" She pulled from her bag of goodies a gas canister and placed her finger in the ring, preparing herself to pull the pin as needed. She made her way a bit closer to Joe, still not trusting Gabriel very much. She glanced to Joe as he spoke to Gabe. [i]"You kill anyone.. and I will kill you. Got it?"[/i] Myztii nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and if you kill anyone.. I'll help him kill you, Creeper."