Hi there everyone! As you may already know I am rocketrobie2 but you can call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner! Anyways I'm in the looking's for a person to do a apocalyptic Marvel rp with as the name suggests. I don't have a whole lot of ideas and for the most part I'm basing this off of a AMAZING group rp that already exists but has sadly began to go down hill in terms of posting but I fell in love with the setting and have recently came up with another character I would have liked to use and I REALLY don't want him to go to waste. Now I'm not very good at lengthy posts and at max I can post about one paragraph or maybe a bit more and I tend to stick to that or somewhere below but I can try to match my partners post length but don't count on it. Now that being said if your ok with my post length but you want to post more than go right ahead! I love detailed posts and I'm a little sad that I can't do them myself that well. Anyway PM me or leave a comment thing if your interested!