Leah hadn't noticed the man inside the alley, his body concealed behind a dumpster which prevented her from seeing him until it was too late. That and she hadn't been looking nor expecting to see another live person around in the city, especially not alone. People tended to travel in groups these days, which was smart but risky... she'd learned that the hard way. As the man yelled she flinched, her body visibly jerking from the sudden sound which caused her to instinctively pull out her screwdriver, having just killed a walker which was still fresh on her mind. She came to a halt and sharply turned before she immediately made note of the rifle which made the color flush from her face, she tensed and stood like a deer caught in headlights for a moment, unsure what to do as she was so close. "Please don't" she pleaded in a low soft tone. She dropped the screwdriver and held out up her hands, taking a moment before she tried to offer something that might spare her life, of course the reality was he could kill her and take her stuff anyway. "I have food..." she said before slowly taking off her backpack, a girls schoolbag which fitted her size. She placed it down in front of her before taking a step back, she was quite visibly afraid, though she contained it well.