Arriving on the field caused a rush of conflicting emotions to fill Roan’s head. Stifling a groan as he collapsed to the ground, giving up on trying to stand, he didn’t try to sort through the feelings. Apparently the Labyrinth’s Gate was a significant enough location that even the residual traces he had collected couldn’t help but react. All he had managed to gather was that it was held in mixed regard by those he had “contracted”, and little else. Instead he waited for them to fade before he stood up with a sigh and looked out over the field that stretched out before him. Though the sun had just begun to poke over the horizon, the field provided its own source of light. Bright immaterial wisps drifted up towards the fading night sky only to be snuffed out a few meters above the short grass. It was scenic really, but he refocused with a few blinks and paused in his involuntary advance with a start. Something here tugged at some deep part of him, but he wasn't ready to head inside just yet. The road here hadn’t been easy if mostly from the sheer length of his trip. His wanderlust had led him to the furthest points of the lands before, finally fed up with his aimless wanderings, Roan had decided to challenge the Labyrinth. The result had been several months of rough travel through less-than-friendly lands in an effort to arrive as soon as possible. As a result, his pack was far emptier than he would have liked and his contracts had seen more use than they usually did in a year. With the bright sight in front of him though, Roan didn’t feel an ounce of regret. He recalled that the Gate was supposed to be open for a few days at minimum to even two weeks at longest, giving him more than enough time to rest and recover before he dived back in. The plains were devoid of anything he could use, but there were small woods nearby that would likely house all he need to rebuild his stock of supplies and offer him shelter for the time being. --- Watching the sun set over the horizon, Roan poked at the smoldering flame pit idly. He’d seen more and more people arrive to enter the Labyrinth over the past few days. Their numbers had been enough to blot out the field’s soft glow at times in the night, but they were always gone by the time he woke in the morning, no doubt already within the Labyrinth. The first few times he had seen people disappear and be transported, Roan had to fight the very real urge to simply halt his preparations where they were and go for it. There was something vexing to be stuck doing such mundane tasks while others ventured into the unknown. Yet, the logical side won out for Roan. The Gate wasn’t closing just yet, and there was no telling what would await him on the other side. Best to be ready than wanting after all. With a sigh, he set about finishing for the night and getting ready to sleep. There would be a few more days before he was fully set to join the many that had entered before him. --- Roan awoke with a start, his markings flaring a bright red as he instinctively called on his magic. On his feet and examining his surroundings quickly, the Raulite felt his heart plummet. [i]‘This is not where I fell asleep.’[/i] Aside from the fact that he wasn’t in the safety of a tree, the more obvious sign was the unnatural moon that hung above his head, vastly larger than the one he was familiar with. Beyond that there was the fact that it was night, and Roan was confident enough in his internal clock to know he hadn’t slept for an entire day. Lastly there was the fact that there were others around him, others he had no inkling of knowing. All of which meant one thing in Roan’s head: somehow, one way or another, the Labyrinth had managed to pull him in from a distance. With that in mind, his first eloquent word was, [b]“Fuck.”[/b] At the very least it hadn’t ripped only him and him alone from his camp. His supplies were around him, if a bit scattered, so he set to gathering them up into his pack while keeping an eye on the others.