So, I suppose it is time to get back into the swing of things. 3 Rules: 1. Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - I don't mind mistakes and typos but if it gets to the point where it begins to irritate me I won't be able to continue. 2. Past tense, third person - I only roleplay in past tense ( He walked down the road) I can't do present (He is walking down the road) and no first or second person, I, me, you, we. 3. Quality and consistency - Please stick to our decided post length and write good quality work. If we decide on 400 words don't give me 50 or 700. It is irritating and inconsistent. Now that that is over what I am interested in: I am only looking for (At this stage) MaleXMale roleplays. These can be romance, friendship, rivalry, what ever we decide on. Original ideas: So I have a mixture of plots and pairings here, all MxM. [b]Characters I want to play[/b] Pairing: Detective or Police Officer/[b]Prostitute[/b] Plot: There is a serial killer targeting prostitutes. One manages to survive and escape. He ends up in protective custody and meets the Detective/Officer. We can do further planning if you are interested. Pairing: Vampire/Vampire Plot: I have several depending on what you are interested in. I have settings in Victorian era (World wide) Modern era (World wide) Medieval (Europe) Pairings that I don't have plots for: VampireX[b]Human[/b] [b]Prince[/b]XServant Victorian AristocratX[b]Valet[/b] If you have any you want to try feel free to message me. Fandoms: I only play cannons and while I am happy for you to have an OC I would appreciate if you can play some of the cannon characters too. Lord of the Rings/Tolkien-verse - I play - Aragorn, Boromir, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Faramir, Denethor, Arwen (Aragorn/Arwen is the only mxf I am interested in in this verse) Doctor Who/Torchwood - I play - Jack, Ianto Jones, Owen Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel - I play- Spike, Darla, Drusilla, Giles, Dawn, Willow (Spike/Buffy and Spike/Drusilla are mxf pairings I am willing to do) Crossovers: I love doing Crossovers and am happy to try a variety of them. One that I am curious about would be Twilight/Buffy - I am not a huge fan of Twilight but the idea of those two meeting intrigues me.