[b]Colony World New Alas, Beching[/b] The city of Beching was the capital of New Alas. At 4 million residents at was the biggest city on the planet, and New Alas’s importance as a trade stop between the core worlds and the valuable mineral producing colonies near the core worlds made it one of the fasting growing colonies in the Union. It’s continued growth would soon allow it to apply for Core World Status, giving it much more political power in the councils, even if they could be dissolved at the Immortal’s whims. Beching itself had unbelievable density, packing a lot of residents in with apartments that rose into sky, which were made out of a silvery material, and packed with large glass windows. The buildings were still well spaced out however, as helicopters flew across the city, landing on high-rises and skyscrapers The bright orange sun rising over the city, smiling down upon it. A beautiful day for the city. On the ground it-self many people bustling across the paved roads and marble sidewalks. People from all walks of life could be seen, whether it would be hurrying to work or heading down to the local market to purchase from the vast selection of goods. Merchants could be seen coming in and opening up their stores and and stalls for the day, setting out fresh food and other products. From bread and pastries, to shining gems and jewelry, and flowers and other exotic plants, a wide selection was to be had at the market. Faye walked across this busy market. She wore a light pure white jacket, as the morning air of New Alas was chilly, with biting winds constantly blowing as well. She had long black pants as well, contrasting against her jacket. Her hair was a light blue, and relatively short. Her eyes were a light red, she wore a slight smile across her face. Her veins flow with a blue that mirrored her hair. She headed to her favorite breakfast stall, smelling the fresh glazed donuts wafting across the air. She quietly picked out 4 donuts and two coffees, handing her money to the happy-faced stall-owner. Taking her purchase with her in a small bag and styrofoam drink tray. Taking her items she headed down the marble sidewalks to outside the city. She checked her watch every few minutes and began hurrying towards wherever she was going. Gradually as she began leaving the busy city-center things slowed down. Less people were found wandering the streets as she proceeded. Tall apartments buildings turn into small sleepy houses. Noises quieted down, allowing Faye to hear the small background noises, like the chirping of birds, or the buzzing of insects. She finally left the city, no more houses could be seen, leaving it behind her. In front of her was rolling grass plains, and in the distance was a large green tree on top a lonely hill. A figure could be seen standing there, a instrument in hand. As Faye got closer and close the figure came into clear view, and a light melody from the instrument, which had been identified as cello. The figure had long brown hair, drooping far down past her shoulders.Her eyes were a light purple, and her face was not smiling, but hung low as if in concentration. She wore a short skirt, and a fancy light brown long sleeve. The melody which came out of her Cello was sweet and beautiful, each note striking a chord that made a person thing of good things and good times. She paused upon seeing Faye. “I hope you brought breakfast as you promised Faye, I’m hungry.” said the girl, setting down the cello gently in the grass. “I always do as I promise, even if I can be a bit distracted by my DJing Ilse.” responded Faye, as she and Ilse took sat up against the tall lonely tree, each taking a coffee and a couple of donuts. They set there for a minute, taking a few moments to enjoy the sweetness of the donuts and the smell of the coffee. The sun was getting higher in the sky, the last rays of morning sunlight dissipating as the sky’s blue became evident. It was a clear bright day. “Beautiful day isn’t it Faye?” spoke Ilse, standing up and going back to her Cello, beginning to play a soft sweet tune once again. “I got a gig at a club in downtown soon, its gonna be a while so I’m probably going to miss most of the day.” responded Faye, removing the earbuds she had in her ears. “Going to be late home again then?” asked Ilse. “Yep.” was Faye’s one worded response, as Ilse focused back on her Cello, starting up the melody again. Faye relaxed against the tree, turning on some electronic music from a small silvery device to which her earbuds ran. The beats were fast and energetic, overriding the melody from Ilse’s cello, and pumping Faye up a bit. She stood up, waving a final goodbye to Ilse as she was deep in concentration on her cello. Stepping back towards the mammoth city of Beching, she prepared herself for her upcoming gig as a DJ. [b]Sol, the Moon[/b] The Iscandarian diplomats stepped off there ship and into the Moon station, awaiting to be led to the meeting location.