I wake up and looked around, wondering what time it was. It doesn't really matter anyway, recently I've just been sleeping whenever I feel tired. That isn't usually in accordance with the day/night cycle. Yeah, I know, what a rebel. I slowly stand up and begin to travel throughout the city, which is now nothing more than a ghost of its former self. Food is getting more and more scarce, all the other people/creatures here have moved away to search for greener pastures. In some cases, literally. This biological change had effectively thrown human civilization back into the stone ages, it's amazing how different life is without society. I pass by a supermarket. All the shelves are completely bare, the decorations and displays torn apart. It is hard to believe that just a few days ago people were going about their regular, everyday lives in these very streets... News and electronics are obviously gone, so I have no idea what the outside world is currently going through. These streets are completely devoid of life. Scarcely a living creature to be seen for miles. There aren't even any animals left, all eaten by people. Well, I'm not sure I should call the, people anymore. They were people, but their behavior has since devolved to suit the creatures they have become. The sad part is that it was entirely their choice to think in the "eat or be eaten" mindset. Perhaps people were always like that, society simply held it at bay. Recently, I've been testing my new wings. My first flight down from the building was my best so far. As of now, I'm barely able to get five feet off the ground before exhaustion forces me to land. I turn and begin to walk down an alley until I see a door frame with a door sitting beside it. There doesn't seem to be anyone home, so I walk inside. It isn't long before I find some fruit stored safely away in a container. I feel bad for whoever stored this, but I'm no exception to human nature. I eat the fruit and find a place to sleep, hoping that no one returns home anytime soon.