Her dreams were short and brief, quickly transfering from one to the next. They were the past few days with disturbing twists. She rode up to the back doors of the castle after seeing a green glow around the castle and turned around to find the witch. Instead of making a speech and leaving, she pointed back at where her family was standing they started choking, shriveling, and dying. Then she was on her way to Zugos. It was the third day and there was a rustling in the bushes before a horde of dead soldiers and guards come towards her, the witch standing behind them. The next, Zugos opened the door after many wards went off. But instead of a guard coming forward, her family did, moaning about how everything was her fault. Ezra didn't even thrash around in her sleep. I twas too deep a sleep and her body was too exhausted. It was like the nightmares were on a loop, sometimes finding a way to get worse the second or third time. She opened her eyes and sat up slowly, finding Zugos sitting on a chair nearby. On no... he was waiting for her. She hoped she wasn't too much trouble. "Sorry," she mumbled, before standing up. "Are we ready to go?"