[i]'Very well. Shall I accompany you or remain at the Valkorian compound until you return?'[/i] Viran looked over at her and smiled gently. No matter how angry he got, No matter how much despair he felt or how lost he would get sometimes, Mina was always there to help him find his way back. And in return, he would always be there for her if she ever needed it. He took a deep breath and tried to smile. "Why don't you come with me?" He suggested. "I...I mean it's your choice but I could really use someone to talk to when I head back home. I think I'll really need someone there." He said honestly as he took another deep breath. "I think I'm going to ask my mother to meet me at the Mansion." He said quietly "You were right. I can't push people away for fear of getting them hurt. Besides, I'm guessing she's traveled a long way and for a long time to see me again." He said with a small grin. "Do you think we can stop at the compound and see if she'll come along with us?" [b]Valkorian Compound[/b] Valis sighed heavily as she sat back in the pilot's chair of her vessel and watched as the last of the Valkorian refugees left the ship. Despite what had happened she was glad she had found her people a place to call home. She could see men, women and children being welcome into their new home by the first set of refugees and it made her smile. She heard the sound of footsteps behind her and smiled again as she turned around only to see an unfamiliar Valkorian looking at her oddly. He was wearing the clothes of a refugee "You are one of the new ones?" He asked bluntly. "Yes..." Valis answered in confusion as the new arrival smiled. Something about that smile made her very uncomfortable. "You are the mother of Viran?" The Valkorian asked bluntly. "How did you know that?" Valis asked in confusion The Valkorian grinned and a dark shroud seemed to surround him for a moment before it faded. Standing in front of her was a Valkorian with dark red eyes and pulsing black armor covered his armor. He slowly stepped towards her and grabbed her by the neck and smiled a smile that was pure evil. "My name is War. And your son and I have some catching up to do. Your going to help me." [i]"Sirchon!"[/i] She snarled as she cursed him out in Valkorian and tried to pry his hands away from her neck only to have him tighten his grip. She could feel her bones beginning to crack. "Your coming with me. Besides, you should be thanking me. The ship is going to blow up in around ten seconds." He said with a savage grin as a dark portal seemed to form around them, leaving the control room of the ship empty before it was engulfed by an explosion a moment later as War vanished through the portal with Valis in hand. Numerous Valkorians looked up as they heard the sound of an explosion coming from the forest. Moments later, flaming pieces of debris and metal shot out of the forest causing the refugees to flee away from the destructive debris.