[center][img=http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man_zps06c95bcc.png][/center] [center][b]Kelly Brown[/b][/center] “It’s too bad that Sammy couldn’t make to our usual girls’ night-out,” a young woman said to Kelly as those two plus two other women sat around a table a Chili’s. Every once in a while, when their schedules were not weighed down by course work, Kelly and some of her old high school friends would go out for dinner and get ‘caught up’ on what has happened recently. “I feel sorry for her,” another one of Kelly’s friends said. “Missing out on one of our dining-out nights all because she is sick.” Kelly could feel a tightening in her stomach as she continued to perpetuate this ‘lie’ about Sammy being sick. But would it be better to say that her head is currently attached to a cat’s body? And the government (or whatever agency was attempting to take her best friend away) still seemed to think that they in fact possessed Sammy. If Kelly couldn’t maintain this façade for her best friend, what hope would Kelly have for preventing Sammy from becoming some lab experiment? Even the thought of some weird scientist experimenting on her best friend made Kelly’s stomach turn. “I’m sure she really wanted to be here.” Kelly replied. At least this was not entirely a lie. Sure, Sammy was not by any means sick (unless you would consider her current situation as a sickness), but between being here or back a her own apartment, Kelly knew that Sammy would rather be human and spend time with her old friends rather than be cooped up in her apartment with a cat’s body. Fortunately for Kelly, this awkward conversation (or rather the beginning of one) was abruptly cut off when their waitress arrived to take their order. “Hi, welcome to Chili’s. My name is Victoria and I will be your server tonight. May I start out with some drinks?” While they waited for their drinks, Kelly’s high school friends began to share the latest news concerning their own lives. And when it was Kelly’s turn, all her friends respected Kelly’s privacy and did not pry into the ‘meta-human’ aspect of her life. This echoed what Sammy had said one the voice-messages that she had left on Kelly’s phone. In times like this, people show whether they truly are your friends. Once their waitress, Victoria, had brought them their drinks, Kelly reached over and snatched up a packet of sugar for her iced tea. While she began to pour the sugar into her drink, Kelly heard some light snickers from her high school friends. After being puzzled over what was so funny, Kelly suddenly realized what was going on. The girl, who was a wasp-hybrid metahuman, was pouring [i]sugar[/i] into her drink. This was almost as bad as a rabbit-human hybrid eating carrots. “Ha, ha, very funny guys,” Kelly responded to her friend’s light-hearted chuckles, “the girl who is part insect is dumping sugar in her drink. Laugh it up, why don’t you.” “No offense meant,” one of her friends said, “But at least you see the irony in this image.” Kelly brought her cup up to her lips and tasted her beverage. However, as soon as the iced tea ran down her throat, an intense headache erupted inside her head. Kelly immediately slammed the cup back onto the table, spilling part of her drink in the process. “Are you alright, Kelly?” Another of Kelly’s friends asked. “I’m fine.” Kelly lied as she placed her hand against her own forehead.