With each word she found herself moving further and futher away from him. She was angry, as angry as him, that was true... but it was more that she was disgusted with herself. She could blame him all she wanted, but deep down she knew that it was all her. To have him be so frustrated, furious with her... it only made her feel worse. And then he was gone, leaving her alone with only her thoughts to keep her company. It was not like her, to be so emotional. A leader had to keep face, show her people that she was confident and strong. Kiara did not feel like either of those things. Despite her despair, she knew that what he had said before he left was right. She needed to check her wounds and see how bad they were. Even though she did not know much about first aid, she could at least see if they were deep. Her shoulder worried her, for she could not feel it any longer, and she was sure that was a bad sign. There was a small cry of pain as she peeled the damp tunic from her skin. It did not take long to catalog each injury the damned archer had given her. There was the shallow cut on her right arm from his arrow, a deeper one that crossed the long scar down her side, and then finally the gash on her left shoulder. Looking at it made her sick. It was bleeding heavily, which she could see now that there was no clothing in the way, but that was not the worst of it. The bone was showing through, and the numb feeling was spreading down through her arm. Not good, really not good. She did not have much time to think about how this would affect her archery before Ostus was back and she was trying to cover herself. Her left arm was not responding well at the moment, and her right was only enough to cover her breasts. "I..." Kiara was tempted to turn around, to hide from him, but after what she'd said... the least she could do was give him this: her one secret. Perhaps he wouldn't recognize it as an apology, but that's what it was none the less. There were more important things to tend to, though, even if she could not stop the blush that rushed to her cheeks. "It doesn't hurt. Ostus," she blinked, pausing for a moment as she realized it was the first time she'd called him by name. But then she was continuing in her panic, "I can't feel it. I can't feel anything. I don't know what's wrong." When her eyes met his, they were apologetic and desperate for help.