[B]Name:[/B] Ascot Harper [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] Ascot is a teenage boy with black hair and eyes, with a face that could be called 'cute' in many quarters, and, as he grows older, verges on handsome. Lean and well-muscled, and of average height, he is also a person possessed of a presence that would fit a general or a president better than a child. His preferred clothing are T-Shirts and Jeans, followed up by a protective vest. He also carries around a set of rattan sticks - Eskrima gear. [B]Personality:[/B] Ascot cares for people, to the point where it can get him hurt. He values his friendships, being willing to go to great lengths for even relatively new friends. While he has the fears and insecurities of someone his age, he can overcome them if people are at stake. You do not hurt innocents around Ascot, nor should you threaten to, because Ascot will fight, and he will give his best. However, he also has a streak of rigtheous indignation, which borders on ruthlessness, when encountering enemies that he deems hard to redeem. [B]Magical powers/ Physical Abilities:[/B] Outside of battle, Ascot is a good scryer and mind reader, able to scan the present and predict the future. In combat, however, Ascot prefers to use [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eskrima]Eskrima[/url] in conjunction with Timespace, Energy, Mind, Life, Matter, Otherness and Law Magic, taking out an enchanted sword from a dimensional pocket, alongside other weapons and objects. Not just that, but he is able to buff others with Superspeed and Bullettime, protection from mental effects, and fire/lightning/ice attacks. Not merely that, but Ascot also knows how to heal others, as well as himself, although his ability to regenerate isn't as good as Jonathan's, same for his abilities to control plants and animals, which is something that he frequently forgets how to do. His control over Matter, however, is powerful, and in conjunction with Energy, he can control the elements. As for Otherness, Ascot can use it with Law to create 'Technofetishes' that bind spirits to him, as well as talk to them. [B]Flaws:[/B] Although Ascot is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful Magi in the MPC, there are ways to get to him. Although a genius, Ascot is very emotional, and, although his recklessness has subsided a little with time, he will still protect innocents when he can. Not merely that, but despite his power, which is a carry-over from the previous set of adventures, Ascot sticks to the code of Technical Pacifism longer and stronger than other members of the group, refusing to kill at all. [B]Side:[/B] MPC [B]Bio:[/B] Ascot Harper's life before the MPC is shrouded in mystery; all that is known is that he came from Radiant Falls, New York State, one of the first cities to open itself up to Magi in the brief 'Magic Controversy' that happened after the 'Awakening Surge'. His father was an Acrobat, and his mother, an Eskrimador, and the boy was raised in a loving home. However, there was a period of three years when he disappeared off the radar, which was explained away as Heinz Harper, his Uncle and the head of The Agency, the branch of the Government tasked with Magical Crimes, taking charge of the boy's education. What happened then was mysterious, but at the end of Ascot's 13th year, the boy reappeared at home, with a young girl named Amelia, who was two years younger than him, in tow. Ascot and Amelia, after a brief stay at Ascot's parents' house, then joined the Magical Peace Corps as its youngest members, which was accepted due to the former's prenatural intelligence and the latter's magical power, which lent itself into easy exorcisms (she was a master of Death and Otherness). The two quickly saw action in Africa, where the conflict with Arcana Unlimited, one of Earth's prime MegaCorps, with its own armed forces, was causing renewed suffering in the continent, and then to India and Bangladesh, where his powers grew further. He was making a name for himself, as not only a natural at Magic, but also as a leader of people, and one who genuinely wanted to help others. However, he cannot shake off the rumors that he was somehow involved in the greatest magical crisis of the era, the Rider War, which shall be detailed below. The Rider War began when members of The Agency foiled an effort by Akira Kariya, an MMO Maker, to create a game that traps people in the gameworld, where if their avatars died, they would die in real life also. This segued into a war with the Mafia, which was running a brothel, called Babylon, which thanks to Spatial magics, was larger on the inside than the outside, and was able to contain 500 Sex Slaves, 250 of them children. This was followed up by a brief skirmish on Sicily, as the American Mafia magically transported agents to try and take over the Sicilian Mafia, but in truth, this was a diversion to get the Agency members distracted from their efforts at rebuilding. Then, came the Riders. The Riders were powerful Magi of immense power and ability, and they defeated the Agency members in a great battle outside New York City, in which their leader, Vladimir, defeated the former President of the United States, herself a Mage. In response, the Neuromancer herself intervened, empowering Nine Magi with immense power over one School; these Magi were called the Sages. There, they fought a final battle against Vladimir in the Philippines, a nation whose captial, due to being in the centre of a geographic region and a centre of commerce, was a Mega-Demesne, one powerful enough to fuel a Portal to Mars, funded by Guttierez Corp. The Riders wanted control of the portal by themselves, and were helped by Arcana Unlimited for their own reasons. However, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, as well as the Nine Sages, stood in their way. The former were gutted, and the latter were pushed to their limit, but they won, and the Riders were all destroyed. However, this battle was rooted in mystery, for there were three Mages who, although they looked like adults, and were masked, left no trace of their existence afterwards. After this, the Philippines, which had before been a haven of progress and strength that was the opposite of how it was in the Early 21st Century, sank into a period of weakness due to most of its military and law enforcement in Manila being decimated, allowing lawlessness to flourish once again, as more police were drawn from the provinces to replenish the capital's forces, which in turn caused the lawlessness to spread to said provinces. And this continues to the present day. Now, however, a contingent of the Magical Peace Corps has been committed into helping the Philippines restore itself, and Ascot is among them. For the stories were true; he had been involved in the Rider War, and helped defeat the great evil, although in what capacity remains unknown. Either way, the Philippine mission is Ascot's way of saying: I'm here to make up for what happened, Dear Philippines.