Trixie looked around in her house and smiled. It wasn't a big or exceptionally amazing house. In fact it was rather small, and most things were second hand. She was trying to gain as much money as she could so she could buy new, better furniture, but for now, this would have to do. And still, this small house filled with second hand things, made Trixie smile. It was her home, a place for her own, with no bosses, clients or whatsoever, and she loved her home. She sat down on a red chair, which didn't fit at all with the green sofa and blue carpet, and stared at the white wall she was facing, thinking. She had no job at the moment, and the money she had, had been scraped together by doing all kinds of simple, one time jobs that nobody else wanted to do. She really had to find herself a decent job, but who was going to hire an AI with a history like here?