[i]'Viran, go check if everybody is okay and accounted for. Let me know if there are more injured.'[/i] Viran looked around the destroyed compound and the small glimmer of happiness and joy that he felt immediately vanished. He looked at Mina once again. There was no smile this time. His eyes were cold and angry and were filled with a touch of blood-lust and sorrow. "This...This is why I can't get close to people." He said quietly to her as he slowly turned around. The stench of War was all around the area. Viran heard a faint rustling behind him and saw two Refugees carrying a third refugee from the woods to the compound. "War was here, wasn't he?" He asked simply. The two Valkorians nodded and pointed at the destroyed ship behind them. Viran's heart stopped for a moment as he recognized the Valkorian writing on the side of a piece of debris. "That was my mother's ship. Where is Valis?" He asked quietly. The bigger Valkorian shook his head. "We saw a portal in the debris of the ship a few moments after the explosion. We can only assume War took her. Why would he do that? We or the newest refugees haven't harmed him or Death in any way! Why would they target us?!" "He wasn't targeting you." Viran said quietly. "He was trying to get my attention. Go to the compound and get medical attention. I will deal with him." He watched as the three headed for the compound before raising his voice so it could be heard across the compound and the nearby hills. "You have my attention War!" He roared to the empty sky "You endangered innocent refugees and you stole away my own mother! You want to fight?! Let's fight! I will make sure that this time, I bring your head back on a pike!" He snarled angrily Nothing. "Come on your filthy Fivsheck!" he snarled. "Or are you to much of a coward to deal with me?!" That seemed to get his attention wherever he was. Shadowy energy began to surround Viran as a portal began to form around him.